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  • Ke Wang, Kay Prüfer, Ben Krause-Kyora, Ainash Childebayeva, Verena J Schuenemann, Valentina Coia, Frank Maixner, Albert Zink, Stephan Schiffels, Johannes Krause. High-coverage genome of the Tyrolean Iceman reveals unusually high Anatolian farmer ancestry. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100377
    Cited : 8
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  • Esha Joshi, Arjun Biddanda, Jumi Popoola, Aminu Yakubu, Oluyemisi Osakwe, Delali Attipoe, , , Estelle Dogbo, Babatunde Salako, Oyekanmi Nash, Omolola Salako, Olubukunola Oyedele, Golibe Eze-Echesi, Segun Fatumo, Abasi Ene-Obong, Colm O'Dushlaine. Whole-genome sequencing across 449 samples spanning 47 ethnolinguistic groups provides insights into genetic diversity in Nigeria. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100378
    Cited : 4
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  • Nico Borgsmüller, Monica Valecha, Jack Kuipers, Niko Beerenwinkel, David Posada. Single-cell phylogenies reveal changes in the evolutionary rate within cancer and healthy tissues. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100380
    Cited : 2
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  • Jonathan Lawson, Elena M Ghanaim, Jinyoung Baek, Harin Lee, Heidi L Rehm. Aligning NIH's existing data use restrictions to the GA4GH DUO standard. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100381
    Cited : 2
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  • Xiaoting Li, Tuuli Lappalainen, Harmen J Bussemaker. Identifying genetic regulatory variants that affect transcription factor activity. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100382
    Cited : 2
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  • Yunlong Ma, Chunyu Deng, Yijun Zhou, Yaru Zhang, Fei Qiu, Dingping Jiang, Gongwei Zheng, Jingjing Li, Jianwei Shuai, Yan Zhang, Jian Yang, Jianzhong Su. Polygenic regression uncovers trait-relevant cellular contexts through pathway activation transformation of single-cell RNA sequencing data. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100383
    Cited : 16
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  • Cecilia Cisar, Nicholas Keener, Mathew Ruffalo, Benedict Paten. A unified pipeline for FISH spatial transcriptomics. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100384
    Cited : 4
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  • Audrey L Griffith, Fengyi Zheng, Abby V McGee, Nathan W Miller, Zsofia M Szegletes, Ganna Reint, Fabian Gademann, Ifunanya Nwolah, Mudra Hegde, Yanjing V Liu, Amy Goodale, John G Doench. Optimization of Cas12a for multiplexed genome-scale transcriptional activation. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100387
    Cited : 4
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  • Yichen Zhang, Mohammadali Sam Khalilitousi, Yongjin P Park. Unraveling dynamically encoded latent transcriptomic patterns in pancreatic cancer cells by topic modeling. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100388
    Cited : 3
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  • Sjors Middelkamp, Freek Manders, Flavia Peci, Markus J van Roosmalen, Diego Montiel González, Eline J M Bertrums, Inge van der Werf, Lucca L M Derks, Niels M Groenen, Mark Verheul, Laurianne Trabut, Cayetano Pleguezuelos-Manzano, Arianne M Brandsma, Evangelia Antoniou, Dirk Reinhardt, Marc Bierings, Mirjam E Belderbos, Ruben van Boxtel. Comprehensive single-cell genome analysis at nucleotide resolution using the PTA Analysis Toolbox. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100389
    Cited : 4
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  • Siwei Zhang, Hanwen Zhang, Marc P Forrest, Yifan Zhou, Xiaotong Sun, Vikram A Bagchi, Alena Kozlova, Marc Dos Santos, Nicolas H Piguel, Leonardo E Dionisio, Alan R Sanders, Zhiping P Pang, Xin He, Peter Penzes, Jubao Duan. Multiple genes in a single GWAS risk locus synergistically mediate aberrant synaptic development and function in human neurons. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100399
    Cited : 7
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  • Jian Yang. Expanding the genetic landscape of obesity. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100400
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  • P J Michael Deans, Kristen J Brennand. Better together: Non-additive interactions between schizophrenia risk genes. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100403
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  • Muhammad Arslan Mahmood, Shahid Mansoor. Einkorn genomics reveals ancient roots of domesticated wheat. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100406
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  • Madison Caballero, Amnon Koren. Erratum: The landscape of somatic mutations in lymphoblastoid cell lines. Cell genomics. 2023, 3 (9): 100407
    Cited : 1
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