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  • Casey A Walsh, Sarah J Miller, Cardinale B Smith, Holly G Prigerson, Daniel McFarland, Sarah Yarborough, Claudia De Los Santos, Robert Thomas, Sara J Czaja, Arindam RoyChoudhury, Eloise Chapman-Davis, Mark Lachs, Megan J Shen. Acceptability and usability of the Planning Advance Care Together (PACT) website for improving patients' engagement in advance care planning. PEC innovation. 2024, 4: 100245
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  • Erin E Donovan, Audrey Shaffer, Emily Kaiser, Karly Quaack, Michael Mackert, Weijia Shi, Daniela De Luca. Development and refinement of a communication guide to help young adults in Texas reconnect and reduce loneliness. PEC innovation. 2024, 4: 100246
    Cited : 0
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  • Joshua Dobe, Louise Gustafsson, Kim Walder, Kylie Bower, Rosa Lachman. Co-creation of self-management support during inpatient stroke rehabilitation. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100191
    Cited : 0
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  • Sara Bybee, Megan Hebdon, Kristin Cloyes, Shirin Hiatt, Eli Iacob, Maija Reblin, Margaret Clayton, Lee Ellington. Cancer caregivers at the end-of-life: How much me vs. how much we? PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100193
    Cited : 2
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  • Carolyn A Chan, Erica Chou, Anne Graff LaDisa, Ankit Mehta, Amy Zelenski, Krista Longtin. Using nominal group technique to determine skills that applied improvisation can teach health profession education learners. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100194
    Cited : 1
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  • Amber Damiaens, Ann Van Hecke, Veerle Foulon. The RESPECT-brochure: Development of a tool to inform and empower residents and informal caregivers on the medicines' pathway in nursing homes. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100195
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  • Kelly Jankowski, Donna M Evon, Amanda N Stover, Trish Mashburn, Scott A Davis, Delesha Carpenter. Exploring the impact of brief training on student pharmacists' naloxone communication skills. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100196
    Cited : 0
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  • Lauren M West, Gary L Brase. Improving patient understanding of prenatal screening tests: Using naturally sampled frequencies, pictures, and accounting for individual differences. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100197
    Cited : 1
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  • Easton N Wollney, Carma L Bylund, Amanda L Kastrinos, Gemme Campbell-Salome, Maria Sae-Hau, Elisa S Weiss, Carla L Fisher. Understanding parents uncertainty sources and management strategies while caring for a child diagnosed with a hematologic cancer. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100198
    Cited : 4
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  • Rachel Z Carter, Ellie Siden, Amber Husband, Doris Barwich, Shimae Soheilipour, Jennifer Kryworuchko, Richard Sawatzky, Arminee Kazanjian, Kelli Stajduhar, Eman Hassan. Community-led, peer-facilitated Advance Care Planning workshops prompt increased Advance Care Planning behaviors among public attendees. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100199
    Cited : 3
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  • Sameena Shah, Asma Usman, Samar Zaki, Asra Qureshi, Karishma Lal, Saher Naseeb Uneeb, Naseem Bari, Fauzia Basaria Hasnani, Nasir Shah, Saima Parwaiz Iqbal, Obaid Ullah, Sumera Abid. The role of family and culture in the disclosure of bad news: A multicentre cross-sectional study in Pakistan. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100200
    Cited : 2
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  • Emily Johnson, Ashley Hyde, Derek Drager, Michelle Carbonneau, Vincent Bain, Jan Kowalczewski, Puneeta Tandon. Collaborating with patients and caregivers to create web-based educational resources for people affected by cirrhosis. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100201
    Cited : 1
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  • Cheryl Roumen, Claudia Offermann, DaniĆ«lle B P Eekers, Marieke D Spreeuwenberg, Rianne Fijten. Difficult medical encounters in oncology: What physicians need. An exploratory study. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100202
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  • Elizabeth A Mosley, Nikki Zite, Christine Dehlendorf, Ashley Deal, Raelynn O'Leary, Sharon Achilles, Amber E Barnato, Daniel Hall, Sonya Borrero. Development of , a web-based decision aid to support permanent contraception decision making. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100203
    Cited : 1
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  • O M Neve, M M van Buchem, M Kunneman, P P G van Benthem, H Boosman, E F Hensen. The added value of the artificial intelligence patient-reported experience measure (AI-PREM tool) in clinical practise: Deployment in a vestibular schwannoma care pathway. PEC innovation. 2023, 3: 100204
    Cited : 1
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