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  • Ruiqi Liu, Shuqiong Kong, Yixian Shao, Dawei Cai, Bing Bai, Xiaguo Wei, Robert A Root, Xubo Gao, Chengcheng Li, Jon Chorover. Mechanisms and health implications of toxicity increment from arsenate-containing iron minerals through gastrointestinal digestion. Geoderma. 2023, 432:
    Cited : 3
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  • Fernando Aramburu Merlos, João Vasco Silva, Frédéric Baudron, Robert J Hijmans. Estimating lime requirements for tropical soils: Model comparison and development. Geoderma. 2023, 432: 116421
    Cited : 2
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  • Yang Guo, Guangbin Zhang, Mohamed Abdalla, Matthias Kuhnert, Haijun Bao, Hua Xu, Jing Ma, Khadiza Begum, Pete Smith. Modelling methane emissions and grain yields for a double-rice system in Southern China with DAYCENT and DNDC models. Geoderma. 2023, 431: 116364
    Cited : 3
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  • Małgorzata Stanek, Priyanka Kushwaha, Kamila Murawska-Wlodarczyk, Anna M Stefanowicz, Alicja Babst-Kostecka. invasion of temperate deciduous forest stands alters the structure and functions of the soil microbiome. Geoderma. 2023, 430:
    Cited : 4
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  • Banira Lombardi, Sandra Loaiza, Catalina Trujillo, Ashly Arevalo, Eduardo Vázquez, Jacobo Arango, Ngonidzashe Chirinda. Greenhouse gas emissions from cattle dung depositions in two forage fields with contrasting biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) capacity. Geoderma. 2022, 406: 115516
    Cited : 9
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  • D J Brus, B Kempen, D Rossiter, Balwinder-Singh, A J McDonald. Bayesian approach for sample size determination, illustrated with Soil Health Card data of Andhra Pradesh (India). Geoderma. 2022, 405: 115396
    Cited : 1
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  • Linden B Huhmann, Charles F Harvey, Jason Gross, Anjal Uddin, Imtiaz Choudhury, Kazi M Ahmed, John M Duxbury, Benjamin Bostick, Alexander van Geen. Evaluation of a field kit for testing arsenic in paddy soil contaminated by irrigation water. Geoderma. 2021, 382:
    Cited : 4
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  • C Rumpel, V Ann, H Bahri, M Calabi Floody, S Cheik, T T Doan, A Harit, J L Janeau, P Jouquet, M L Mora, P Podwojewski, T M Tran, Q A Ngo, P L Rossi, M Sanaullah. Research for development in the 21st century. Geoderma. 2020, 378: 114558
    Cited : 0
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  • Benjamin M Butler, Javier Palarea-Albaladejo, Keith D Shepherd, Kamau M Nyambura, Erick K Towett, Andrew M Sila, Stephen Hillier. Mineral-nutrient relationships in African soils assessed using cluster analysis of X-ray powder diffraction patterns and compositional methods. Geoderma. 2020, 375: 114474
    Cited : 29
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  • Frédéric Kosmowski, Ayale Abebe, Daglar Ozkan. Challenges and lessons for measuring soil metrics in household surveys. Geoderma. 2020, 375: 114500
    Cited : 5
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  • G Cody Bagnall, Neha Koonjoo, Stephen A Altobelli, Mark S Conradi, Eiichi Fukushima, Dean O Kuethe, John E Mullet, Haly Neely, William L Rooney, Karl F Stupic, Brock Weers, Bo Zhu, Matthew S Rosen, Cristine L S Morgan. Low-field magnetic resonance imaging of roots in intact clayey and silty soils. Geoderma. 2020, 370:
    Cited : 21
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  • Johannes L Jensen, Per Schjønning, Christopher W Watts, Bent T Christensen, Peter B Obour, Lars J Munkholm. Soil degradation and recovery - Changes in organic matter fractions and structural stability. Geoderma. 2020, 364: 114181
    Cited : 49
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  • M Redmile-Gordon, A S Gregory, R P White, C W Watts. Soil organic carbon, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and soil structural stability as affected by previous and current land-use. Geoderma. 2020, 363: 114143
    Cited : 67
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  • Luiz F Pires, André C Auler, Waldir L Roque, Sacha J Mooney. X-ray microtomography analysis of soil pore structure dynamics under wetting and drying cycles. Geoderma. 2020, 362: 114103
    Cited : 77
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  • Cristiano Ballabio, Emanuele Lugato, Oihane Fernández-Ugalde, Alberto Orgiazzi, Arwyn Jones, Pasquale Borrelli, Luca Montanarella, Panos Panagos. Mapping LUCAS topsoil chemical properties at European scale using Gaussian process regression. Geoderma. 2019, 355: 113912
    Cited : 162
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