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BMC Genomic Data

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  • Anna Bernasconi, Arif Canakoglu, Federico Comolli. Correction: Processing genome-wide association studies within a repository of heterogeneous genomic datasets. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (Suppl 1): 32
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  • Olesya Ajnakina, Andrew Steptoe. The shared genetic architecture of smoking behaviours and psychiatric disorders: evidence from a population-based longitudinal study in England. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 31
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  • Blair W Perry, Michael W Saxton, Heiko T Jansen, Corey R Quackenbush, Brandon D Evans Hutzenbiler, Charles T Robbins, Joanna L Kelley, Omar E Cornejo. A multi-tissue gene expression dataset for hibernating brown bears. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 33
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  • Shaohui Liang, Huixia Gao, Tongxin He, Li Li, Xin Zhang, Lei Zhao, Jie Chen, Yanyan Xie, Jie Bao, Yong Gao, Erhei Dai, Yuling Wang. Association between SUMF1 polymorphisms and COVID-19 severity. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 34
    Cited : 1
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  • Shuying Sun, Flora Cheng, Daphne Han, Sarah Wei, Alice Zhong, Sherwin Massoudian, Alison B Johnson. Pairwise comparative analysis of six haplotype assembly methods based on users' experience. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 35
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  • Cristina Santos Ferreira, Ronaldo da Silva Francisco Junior, Alexandra Lehmkuhl Gerber, Ana Paula de Campos Guimarães, Flávia Anisio Amendola, Fernanda Pinto-Mariz, Monica Soares de Souza, Patrícia Carvalho Batista Miranda, Zilton Farias Meira de Vasconcelos, Ekaterini Simões Goudouris, Ana Tereza Ribeiro Vasconcelos. Assessing whole-exome sequencing data from undiagnosed Brazilian patients to improve the diagnostic yield of inborn errors of immunity. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 36
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  • Ruihua Wu, Lin Guo, Yueyang Guo, Lehang Ma, Kehang Xu, Boyu Zhang, Liang Du. The G2-Like gene family in Populus trichocarpa: identification, evolution and expression profiles. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 37
    Cited : 1
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  • Nurealam Siddiqui, Melesech T Gabi, Mohammad Kamruzzaman, Abebaw M Ambaw, Tesfaye J Teferi, Said Dadshani, Jens Léon, Agim Ballvora. Genetic dissection of root architectural plasticity and identification of candidate loci in response to drought stress in bread wheat. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 38
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  • Xiao Wang, Yahui Gao, Cong-Jun Li, Lingzhao Fang, George E Liu, Xiuxin Zhao, Yuanpei Zhang, Gaozhan Cai, Guanghui Xue, Yan Liu, Lingling Wang, Fan Zhang, Kun Wang, Miao Zhang, Rongling Li, Yundong Gao, Jianbin Li. The single-cell transcriptome and chromatin accessibility datasets of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in Chinese holstein cattle. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 39
    Cited : 2
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  • Ana Guijarro-Hernández, José Luis Vizmanos. Transcriptomic comparison of bone marrow CD34 + cells and peripheral blood neutrophils from ET patients with JAK2 or CALR mutations. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 40
    Cited : 2
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  • Xinrui Wang, Tianqi Wang, Huili Liang, Liyuan Wang, Faheem Akhtar, Xiaoyuan Shi, Wei Ren, Bingjian Huang, Xiyan Kou, Yinghui Chen, Yandong Zhan, Changfa Wang. A novel SNP in NKX1-2 gene is associated with carcass traits in Dezhou donkey. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 41
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  • Yaqi Li, Xiang Hu, Mingkun Xiao, Jiaxiong Huang, Yuqiang Lou, Faguang Hu, Xingfei Fu, Yanan Li, Hongyan He, Jinhuan Cheng. An analysis of codon utilization patterns in the chloroplast genomes of three species of Coffea. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 42
    Cited : 2
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  • Jiao Wang, Lei Sun, Hongwei Zhang, Bo Jiao, Haibo Wang, Shuo Zhou. Transcriptome analysis during vernalization in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 43
    Cited : 2
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  • Jian Ji, Shichao Liu, Yongyuan Liang, Guixi Zheng. Comprehensive analysis of m6A regulators and relationship with tumor microenvironment, immunotherapy strategies in colorectal adenocarcinoma. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 44
    Cited : 2
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  • Xue Ding, Yifei Zhang, Die Li, Jia Xu, Chang Wu, Xiaojuan Cui, Yuandong Sun. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of reproductive characteristics of reciprocal hybrid lineages derived from hybridization between Megalobrama amblycephala and Culter alburnus. BMC genomic data. 2023, 24 (1): 45
    Cited : 2
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