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Journal of Cannabis Research

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  • Shijie Huang, Huifang Li, Jun Xu, Huihao Zhou, Navindra P Seeram, Hang Ma, Qiong Gu. Chemical constituents of industrial hemp roots and their anti-inflammatory activities. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 1
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  • Yuval Zolotov, Jacinta Lomba, Megan Ghiroli, Mariya Masyukova, Julia H Arnsten, Joanna L Starrels, Jonathan Ross, Chinazo O Cunningham, Deepika E Slawek. "It doesn't make any sense to even try": the disruptive impact of COVID-19's first wave on people with chronic pain using medical cannabis in New York. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 10
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  • Nicole Hall, Bradie James, Mohammad Alfrad Nobel Bhuiyan, Erin Crane, Carlie Falgout, Kevin Sean Murnane. Topical cannabidiol is well tolerated in individuals with a history of elite physical performance and chronic lower extremity pain. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 11
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  • Zamir K Punja, Darren B Sutton, Tommy Kim. Glandular trichome development, morphology, and maturation are influenced by plant age and genotype in high THC-containing cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) inflorescences. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 12
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  • Jamie Cuchiaro, James Baumgartner, Melissa M Reynolds. Modeling a pesticide remediation strategy for preparative liquid chromatography using high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 13
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  • Geoffrey W Brown, Anthony DeGelorm, Terrance J Bellnier. The safety of lookalikes: a new THC beverage enhancer and a non-THC counterpart. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 14
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  • Eric C Leas, Raquel M Harati, Nora Satybaldiyeva, Nicolas E Morales, Shelby L Huffaker, Tomas Mejorado, Igor Grant. Self-reported adverse events associated with ∆-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-8-THC) Use. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 15
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  • Trever J Jackson, Sunandan Chakraborty. The Cannabis sativa genetics and therapeutics relationship network: automatically associating cannabis-related genes to therapeutic properties through chemicals from cannabis literature. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 16
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  • Amanda Falkner, Jane Kolodinsky, Tyler Mark, William Snell, Rebecca Hill, Amelia Luke, Jonathan Shepherd, Hannah Lacasse. The reintroduction of hemp in the USA: a content analysis of state and tribal hemp production plans. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 17
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  • N Rielle Capler, Lynda G Balneaves, Jane A Buxton, Thomas Kerr. Reasonable access: important characteristics and perceived quality of legal and illegal sources of cannabis for medical purposes in Canada. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 18
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  • Anastasia K Stats, Ken G Sweat, Robert N Masson, Kendra D Conrow, Amy E Frazier, Maxwell C K Leung. The Desert Whale: the boom and bust of hemp in Arizona. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 19
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  • Amanda Moser, Sharon M Ballard, Jake Jensen, Paige Averett. The influence of cannabis on sexual functioning and satisfaction. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 2
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  • Meenu Minhas, Stephanie E Lunn. Naturalistic examination of the anxiolytic effects of medical cannabis and associated gender and age differences in a Canadian cohort. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 20
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  • Saoirse Elizabeth O'Sullivan, Sanne Skov Jensen, Gitte Nykjaer Nikolajsen, Heidi Ziegler Bruun, Rhenu Bhuller, Julia Hoeng. The therapeutic potential of purified cannabidiol. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 21
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  • Karli Swenson. Cannabis for morning sickness: areas for intervention to decrease cannabis consumption during pregnancy. Journal of cannabis research. 2023, 5 (1): 22
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