A Martini, M Mazzoli, M Rosignoli, P Trevisi, S Maggi, G Enzi, G Crepaldi. Hearing in the elderly: a population study.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (6): 285-93
D Stephens, I Gianopoulos, P Kerr. Determination and classification of the problems experienced by hearing-impaired elderly people.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (6): 294-300
A Quaranta, V Sallustio, A Scaringi. Cochlear function and speech recognition in the elderly.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (6): 301-7
N Quaranta, S Debole, S Di Girolamo. Effect of ageing on otoacoustic emissions and efferent suppression in humans.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (6): 308-12
S Di Girolamo, N Quaranta, P Picciotti, A Torsello, F Wolf. Age-related histopathological changes of the stria vascularis: an experimental model.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (6): 322-6
L Bertolaso, A Martini, D Bindini, I Lanzoni, A Parmeggiani, C Vitali, G Kalinec, F Kalinec, S Capitani, M Previati. Apoptosis in the OC-k3 immortalized cell line treated with different agents.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (6): 327-35
M Picard, J S Bradley. Revisiting speech interference in classrooms.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (5): 221-44
M Cebulla, E Stürzebecher, K D Wernecke. Objective detection of the amplitude modulation following response (AMFR).Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (5): 245-52
S Hatzopoulos, M Di Stefano, K C Campbell, D Falgione, D Ricci, M Rosignoli, M Finesso, A Albertin, M Previati, S Capitani, A Martini. Cisplatin ototoxicity in the Sprague Dawley rat evaluated by distortion product otoacoustic emissions.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (5): 253-64
J Wable, B Frachet, S Gallégo. Tone decay at threshold with auditory electrical stimulation in digisonic cochlear implantees.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (5): 265-71
G Cosendai, M Pelizzone. Effects of the acoustical dynamic range on speech recognition with cochlear implants.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (5): 272-81
P Rahko-Laitila, P Karma, P Laippala, R Salmelin, M Sipilä, M Manninen, T Rahko. The pure-tone hearing thresholds of otologically healthy 14-year-old children.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (4): 171-7
A Palmu, H Puhakka, H Huhtala, A K Takala, T Kilpi. Normative values for tympanometry in 7- and 24-month-old children.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (4): 178-84
R Albera, A Cavalot, R Musto, G L Fadda, A Staffieri, S Di Girolamo. Tympanic membrane displacement analyser tracing modifications induced by glycerol in Menière's disease.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (4): 185-90
E Vannier, O Adam, P Karasinski, M Ohresser, J F Motsch. Computer-assisted ABR interpretation using the automatic construction of the latency-intensity curve.Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. 2001, 40 (4): 191-201