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PLoS Pathogens

Published By Public Library of Science (PLoS)

  • Jun Pan, Shulin Wei, Qunnan Qiu, Xinyu Tong, Zeen Shen, Min Zhu, Xiaolong Hu, Chengliang Gong. A novel chimeric RNA originating from BmCPV S4 and Bombyx mori HDAC11 transcripts regulates virus proliferation. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011184
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  • Estefanía Calvo Alvarez, Jean Marc Tsagmo Ngoune, Parul Sharma, Anneli Cooper, Aïssata Camara, Christelle Travaillé, Aline Crouzols, Annette MacLeod, Brice Rotureau. FLAgellum Member 8 modulates extravascular distribution of African trypanosomes. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011220
    Cited : 2
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  • Blanca Fernandez-Ciruelos, Tasneemah Potmis, Vitalii Solomin, Jerry M Wells. Cross-talk between QseBC and PmrAB two-component systems is crucial for regulation of motility and colistin resistance in Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011345
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  • Michael Cremin, Emmy Xue Yun Tay, Valerie T Ramirez, Kaitlin Murray, Rene K Nichols, Ingrid Brust-Mascher, Colin Reardon. TRPV1 controls innate immunity during Citrobacter rodentium enteric infection. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011576
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  • Juliett Anders, Constantin König, Corinna Lender, Arne Hellhund, Sarah Nehls, Ibrahim Shalabi, Barbara Honecker, Stephan Lorenzen, Martin Meyer, Jenny Matthiesen, Dániel Cadar, Thomas Roeder, Nahla Galal Metwally, Hannelore Lotter, Iris Bruchhaus. Genes differentially expressed between pathogenic and non-pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica clones influence pathogenicity-associated phenotypes by multiple mechanisms. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011745
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  • Lindsay Wieczorek, Eric Sanders-Buell, Michelle Zemil, Eric Lewitus, Erin Kavusak, Jonah Heller, Sebastian Molnar, Mekhala Rao, Gabriel Smith, Meera Bose, Amy Nguyen, Adwitiya Dhungana, Katherine Okada, Kelly Parisi, Daniel Silas, Bonnie Slike, Anuradha Ganesan, Jason Okulicz, Tahaniyat Lalani, Brian K Agan, Trevor A Crowell, Janice Darden, Morgane Rolland, Sandhya Vasan, Julie Ake, Shelly J Krebs, Sheila Peel, Sodsai Tovanabutra, Victoria R Polonis. Evolution of HIV-1 envelope towards reduced neutralization sensitivity, as demonstrated by contemporary HIV-1 subtype B from the United States. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011780
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  • Marwa Eletreby, Lena Thiessen, Adrian Prager, Ilija Brizic, Jelena Materljan, Lucie Kubic, Katharina Jäger, Križan Jurinović, Josipa Jerak, Karsten Krey, Barbara Adler. Dissecting the cytomegalovirus CC chemokine: Chemokine activity and gHgLchemokine-dependent cell tropism are independent players in CMV infection. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011793
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  • Congbao Xie, Xianpeng Zhang, Wenyue Pei, Ju Sun, Hongqi Shang, Zhiyuan Huang, Mengxi Wang, Daozhong Wang, Guiqian Wang, Zhikun Gui, Sisi Liu, Feng Li, Dengguo Wei. G-quadruplex in the TMV Genome Regulates Viral Proliferation and Acts as Antiviral Target of Photodynamic Therapy. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011796
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  • Annabel A Ferguson, Juan M Inclan-Rico, Dihong Lu, Sarah D Bobardt, LiYin Hung, Quentin Gouil, Louise Baker, Matthew E Ritchie, Aaron R Jex, Erich M Schwarz, Heather L Rossi, Meera G Nair, Adler R Dillman, De'Broski R Herbert. Hookworms dynamically respond to loss of Type 2 immune pressure. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011797
    Cited : 3
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  • Vanessa S Stürmer, Sophie Stopper, Patrick Binder, Anja Klemmer, Nicolas P Lichti, Nils B Becker, Julien Guizetti. Progeny counter mechanism in malaria parasites is linked to extracellular resources. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011807
    Cited : 2
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  • Jiangpeng Feng, Tianmo Xu, Miao He, Jiali Li, Peipei Yao, Chengbao Ma, Shimin Yang, Zaichao Xu, Kun Yan, Xianying Chen, Hongyun Wang, Jiejie Liu, Cong Zeng, Yuchen Xia, Huan Yan, Li Zhou, Yu Chen. NSUN2-mediated m5C modification of HBV RNA positively regulates HBV replication. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011808
    Cited : 9
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  • Sabine Schmidt, Jan Stephan Wichers-Misterek, Hannah Michaela Behrens, Jakob Birnbaum, Isabelle G Henshall, Jana Dröge, Ernst Jonscher, Sven Flemming, Carolina Castro-Peña, Paolo Mesén-Ramírez, Tobias Spielmann. The Kelch13 compartment contains highly divergent vesicle trafficking proteins in malaria parasites. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011814
    Cited : 3
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  • Robyn D Kokemuller, S Jo Moore, Jifeng Bian, M Heather West Greenlee, Justin J Greenlee. Disease phenotype of classical sheep scrapie is changed upon experimental passage through white-tailed deer. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011815
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  • Christine V Hawkes, Xavious Allen, Peter Balint-Kurti, Christina Cowger. Manipulating the plant mycobiome to enhance resilience: Ecological and evolutionary opportunities and challenges. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011816
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  • Iris Yousaf, William W Hannon, Ryan C Donohue, Christian K Pfaller, Kalpana Yadav, Ryan J Dikdan, Sanjay Tyagi, Declan C Schroeder, Wun-Ju Shieh, Paul A Rota, Alison F Feder, Roberto Cattaneo. Brain tropism acquisition: The spatial dynamics and evolution of a measles virus collective infectious unit that drove lethal subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. PLoS pathogens. 2023, 19 (12): e1011817
    Cited : 4
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