Partha Mukhopadhyay, Rajesh Ramanathan, Kazuaki Takabe. S1P promotes breast cancer progression by angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis.Breast cancer management. 2015, 4 (5): 241-244
Mark A Sak, Peter J Littrup, Neb Duric, Maeve Mullooly, Mark E Sherman, Gretchen L Gierach. Current and Future Methods for Measuring Breast Density: A Brief Comparative Review.Breast cancer management. 2015, 4 (4): 209-221
Kathryn A Martinez, Allison W Kurian, Sarah T Hawley, Reshma Jagsi. How can we best respect patient autonomy in breast cancer treatment decisions?Breast cancer management. 2015, 4 (1): 53-64
Kimlin Tam Ashing, Aria M Miller, Eudora Mitchell, Virginia Martin, Kommah McDowell, Rhonda Santifer, June Smith, Shirley Brown, Camille Ragin, Agatha Carrington. Nurturing Advocacy Inclusion to Bring Health Equity in Breast Cancer among African American Women.Breast cancer management. 2014, 3 (6): 487-495
Lawrence J Solin, Pauline T Truong, Jose Russo, Hitoshi Tsuda, Cesar A Santa-Maria, Antonio C Wolf. Our panel of experts highlight the most important research articles across the spectrum of topics relevant to the field of breast cancer management.Breast cancer management. 2014, 3 (3): 227-228
Anjali Shukla, Jude Alsarraj, Kent Hunter. Understanding susceptibility to breast cancer metastasis: the genetic approach.Breast cancer management. 2014, 3 (2): 165-172
Yong-Hun Lee, William P Schiemann. Chemotherapeutic Targeting of the Transforming Growth Factor-β Pathway in Breast Cancers.Breast cancer management. 2014, 3 (1): 73-85
Julia Santucci-Pereira, Christina George, David Armiss, Irma H Russo, Johana E Vanegas, Fathima Sheriff, Ricardo Lopez de Cicco, Yanrong Su, Patricia A Russo, Lucas T Bidinotto, Jose Russo. Mimicking pregnancy as a strategy for breast cancer prevention.Breast cancer management. 2013, 2 (4): 283-294
Akhil Chawla, Gheath Alatrash, Yun Wu, Elizabeth A Mittendorf. Immune aspects of the breast tumor microenvironment.Breast cancer management. 2013, 2 (3): 231-244
G van Londen, Eb Beckjord, Ma Dew, P Cuijpers, S Tadic, A Brufsky. Breast cancer survivorship symptom management: current perspective and future development.Breast cancer management. 2013, 2 (1): 71-81