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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Nature and Science of Sleep
  • Aurore Roland, Maxime Windal, Giovanni Briganti, Charles Kornreich, Olivier Mairesse. Intensity and Network Structure of Insomnia Symptoms and the Role of Mental Health During the First Two Waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1003-1017
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  • Marina Weinberger, Anwar E Ahmed, Darrell E Singer. Impact of Sleep Profiles on Multimorbidity Among US Active-Duty Service Members in the 2018 Health-Related Behaviors Survey. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1019-1032
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  • Zhe Zhao, Yinghui Gao, Junling Lin, Ruyi Xu, Zijun He, Libo Zhao, Fengfeng Fang, Weimeng Cai, Kaibin Chen, Li Fan, Lin Liu. Association of Depression with Long-Term Cardiovascular Risks in Older Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1033-1043
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  • Marta Ditmer, Agata Gabryelska, Szymon Turkiewicz, Marcin Sochal. Investigating the Role of BDNF in Insomnia: Current Insights. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1045-1060
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  • Marian Wilson, Lillian Skeiky, Rachael A Muck, Megan A Miller, Devon A Hansen, Rhonda M Williams, Mark P Jensen, Hans P A Van Dongen. Sleep and Pain in Veterans with Chronic Pain: Effects of Psychological Pain Treatment and Temporal Associations. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1061-1077
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  • Zhongxin Hou, Yang Chen, Yunrui Sun, Chongwei Song, Haoyuan Deng, Nan Cheng, Xiaoyu Han, Jianghui Zhang, Qian Wang, Yi Li, Jianzhong Yin, Qiong Meng. Sleep Duration and Insomnia with Comorbid Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Chinese Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1079-1091
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  • Yang Liu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Mengyang Jiang, Yiqiang Zhang, Chenhui Wang, Yongxing Sun, Zhonghua Shi, Baoguo Wang. Impact of Preoperative Sleep Disturbances on Postoperative Delirium in Patients with Intracranial Tumors: A Prospective, Observational, Cohort Study. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1093-1105
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  • Tyron Tai-Chun Chou, Hsin-Chien Hsu, Chih-Wen Twu, Wen-Kuan Huang, Hung-Meng Huang, Shih-Han Weng, Ming-Chih Chen. Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Home Sleep Test in Taiwan During the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1107-1116
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  • John W Winkelman, Benjamin Wipper, Jordana Zackon, Bettina B Hoeppner. Lack of Efficacy of Suvorexant in People with Insomnia and Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1117-1128
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  • Valentina Alfonsi, Agostino Carbone, Serena Scarpelli, Maurizio Gorgoni, Antonella Luchini, Patrizia D'Andrea, Stefania Cherubini, Cristina Costarelli, Alessandro Couyoumdjian, Fiorenzo Laghi, Luigi De Gennaro. The Impact of Delayed School Start Times During COVID-19 on Academic Performance: A Longitudinal Naturalistic Study in Italian High Schools. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 1129-1138
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  • Yahui Wan, Mengdi Lv, Kaili Zhou, Zheng Li, Xueyun Du, Wei Wu, Rong Xue. Mood Disorders are Correlated with Autonomic Nervous Function in Chronic Insomnia Patients with OSA. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 511-522
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  • Jung-Won Shin, Seonyeop Kim, Yoon Jung Shin, Bomi Park, Sunyoung Park. Comparison of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for Chronic Insomnia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 523-531
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  • Yi-Zhou Feng, Jun-Tao Chen, Zhen-Yu Hu, Gao-Xia Liu, Yu-Shun Zhou, Ping Zhang, Ai-Xi Su, Shuai Yang, Yue-Ming Zhang, Ru-Meng Wei, Gui-Hai Chen. Effects of Sleep Reactivity on Sleep Macro-Structure, Orderliness, and Cortisol After Stress: A Preliminary Study in Healthy Young Adults. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 533-546
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  • Ying Ni Lin, Li Na Zhou, Zhuo Ran Liu, Yi Wang, Shi Qi Li, Fang Ying Lu, Liu Zhang, Qing Yun Li. Short Sleep Duration is Associated with Prolonged Virus Shedding in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron-Infected Patients. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 547-554
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  • Xing-Bing Pan, Hong-Xia Wang, Ya-Jing Cao, Yan-Yu Liu. Secular Trends in Sleep Conditions in Chinese Elderly Individuals: A National Population-Based Study. Nature and science of sleep. 2023, 15: 555-566
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