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  • Tumour Virus Research: 2022, vol: 13, issue:
  • 1)- Sile Li, Ho Yin Luk, Chichao Xia, Zigui Chen, Paul Kay Sheung Chan, Siaw Shi Boon. Oesophageal carcinoma: The prevalence of DNA tumour viruses and therapy. Tumour virus research. 2022, 13: 200231
    Cited : 6
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  • 2)- June F Yang, Jianxin You. Merkel cell polyomavirus and associated Merkel cell carcinoma. Tumour virus research. 2022, 13: 200232
    Cited : 20
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  • 3)- Kahren van Eer, Ihsane Laâbi, Birgit H B van Benthem, Renske D M Steenbergen, Audrey J King, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . The association between viral load and concurrent human papillomavirus infection at the genital and anal sites of young women and the impact of vaccination. Tumour virus research. 2022, 13: 200233
    Cited : 3
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  • 4)- Sung Eun Choi, Abhishek Choudhary, Jingyi Huang, Stephen Sonis, Anna R Giuliano, Alessandro Villa. Increasing HPV vaccination coverage to prevent oropharyngeal cancer: A cost-effectiveness analysis. Tumour virus research. 2022, 13: 200234
    Cited : 4
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  • 5)- Rosalyn E Plotzker, Gregory M Barnell, Dorothy J Wiley, Elizabeth A Stier, Naomi Jay. Provider preferences for anal cancer prevention screening: Results of the International Anal Neoplasia Society survey. Tumour virus research. 2022, 13: 200235
    Cited : 10
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  • 6)- Darron R Brown, Xavier Castellsagué, Daron Ferris, Suzanne M Garland, Warner Huh, Marc Steben, Cosette M Wheeler, Alfred Saah, Alain Luxembourg, Se Li, Christine Velicer. Human papillomavirus seroprevalence and seroconversion following baseline detection of nine human papillomavirus types in young women. Tumour virus research. 2022, 13: 200236
    Cited : 6
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  • 7)- James Riddell, Andrew F Brouwer, Heather M Walline, Lora P Campredon, Rafael Meza, Marisa C Eisenberg, Emily C Andrus, Rachel L Delinger, Monica L Yost, Jodi K McCloskey, Trey B Thomas, Suiyuan Huang, Robert L Ferris, Dong Moon Shin, Carole Fakhry, Thomas Ow, Daniel Li, Ashley Berlot, Thomas E Carey, Nicolas F Schlecht. Oral human papillomavirus prevalence, persistence, and risk-factors in HIV-positive and HIV-negative adults. Tumour virus research. 2022, 13: 200237
    Cited : 9
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  • 8)- Carly A Burmeister, Saif F Khan, Georgia Schäfer, Nomonde Mbatani, Tracey Adams, Jennifer Moodley, Sharon Prince. Cervical cancer therapies: Current challenges and future perspectives. Tumour virus research. 2022, 13: 200238
    Cited : 126
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