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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Tumour Virus Research
  • Peter L Stern. Is immunotherapy a potential game changer in managing human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and intraepithelial neoplasia? Tumour virus research. 2023, 16: 200263
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  • Michelle Khattri, Yutaka Amako, Julia R Gibbs, Joseph L Collura, Reety Arora, Alexis Harold, Meng Yen Li, Paul W Harms, Elena Ezhkova, Masahiro Shuda. Methyltransferase-independent function of enhancer of zeste homologue 2 maintains tumorigenicity induced by human oncogenic papillomavirus and polyomavirus. Tumour virus research. 2023, 16: 200264
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  • John Doorbar. The human Papillomavirus twilight zone - Latency, immune control and subclinical infection. Tumour virus research. 2023, 16: 200268
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  • Finja Seifert, Rieke Eisenblätter, Julia Beckmann, Peter Schürmann, Patricia Hanel, Matthias Jentschke, Gerd Böhmer, Hans-Georg Strauß, Christine Hirchenhain, Monika Schmidmayr, Florian Müller, Peter Fasching, Alexander Luyten, Norman Häfner, Matthias Dürst, Ingo B Runnebaum, Peter Hillemanns, Thilo Dörk, Dhanya Ramachandran. Association of two genomic variants with HPV type-specific risk of cervical cancer. Tumour virus research. 2023, 16: 200269
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  • Oscar Trejo-Cerro, Justyna Broniarczyk, Nezka Kavcic, Michael Myers, Lawrence Banks. Identification and characterisation of novel potential phospho-acceptor sites in HPV-16 E7. Tumour virus research. 2023, 16: 200270
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  • Shengke Zhang, Chenglu Jiang, Lai Jiang, Haiqing Chen, Jinbang Huang, Xinrui Gao, Zhijia Xia, Lisa Jia Tran, Jing Zhang, Hao Chi, Guanhu Yang, Gang Tian. Construction of a diagnostic model for hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma using machine learning and artificial neural networks and revealing the correlation by immunoassay. Tumour virus research. 2023, 16: 200271
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  • Caleb J Studstill, Michelle Mac, Cary A Moody. Interplay between the DNA damage response and the life cycle of DNA tumor viruses. Tumour virus research. 2023, 16: 200272
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  • Charles Jn Lacey. Unresolved issues in the management of human papillomavirus-associated mucosal high-grade pre-cancers. Tumour virus research. 2023, 15: 200250
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  • Wing-Hang Ip, Luca D Bertzbach, Thomas Speiseder, Thomas Dobner. The adenoviral E4orf3/4 is a regulatory polypeptide with cell transforming properties in vitro. Tumour virus research. 2023, 15: 200254
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  • Louiza S Velentzis, David Hawkes, Michael Caruana, Julia Ml Brotherton, Megan A Smith, Lara Roeske, Khurram A Karim, Suzanne M Garland, C David Wrede, Jeffery Tan, Cosette Wheeler, Philip E Castle, Marion Saville, Karen Canfell. Exploring monitoring strategies for population surveillance of HPV vaccine impact using primary HPV screening. Tumour virus research. 2023, 15: 200255
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  • Asmaa Mohamed Fteah, Ali Abdel Rahim, Afaf Ahmed AbdelHady, Hanan Shawky, Mohamed A Elrefaiy, Doaa Mamdouh Aly. Association of PNPLA3 (rs738409) & TM6SF2 (rs58542926) and ATG16L1 (rs2241880) genetic variants with susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma in a group of Egyptian patients with HCV-induced liver cirrhosis. Tumour virus research. 2023, 15: 200256
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  • Arushi Vats, Jayashree V Thatte, Lawrence Banks. Molecular dissection of the E6 PBM identifies essential residues regulating Chk1 phosphorylation and subsequent 14-3-3 recognition. Tumour virus research. 2023, 15: 200257
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  • Chase W Nelson, Lisa Mirabello. Human papillomavirus genomics: Understanding carcinogenicity. Tumour virus research. 2023, 15: 200258
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  • Olga Vladimirova, Samantha Soldan, Chenhe Su, Andrew Kossenkov, Owen Ngalamika, For Yue Tso, John T West, Charles Wood, Paul M Lieberman. Elevated iNOS and 3'-nitrotyrosine in Kaposi's Sarcoma tumors and mouse model. Tumour virus research. 2023, 15: 200259
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  • Takayuki Murata. Tegument proteins of Epstein-Barr virus: Diverse functions, complex networks, and oncogenesis. Tumour virus research. 2023, 15: 200260
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