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  • Tumour Virus Research: 2021, vol: 11, issue:
  • 1)- Peter L Stern, Lawrence Banks. Welcome to Tumour Virus Research. Tumour virus research. 2021, 11: 200211
    Cited : 0
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  • 2)- Peter L Stern. Harnessing immunity for therapy in human papillomavirus driven cancers. Tumour virus research. 2021, 11: 200212
    Cited : 11
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  • 3)- Arushi Vats, Oscar Trejo-Cerro, Miranda Thomas, Lawrence Banks. Human papillomavirus E6 and E7: What remains? Tumour virus research. 2021, 11: 200213
    Cited : 67
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  • 4)- SarahAnn M McFadden, Linda K Ko, Megha Shankar, Anisa Ibrahim, Debra Berliner, John Lin, Farah B Mohamed, Fanaye Amsalu, Ahmed A Ali, Sou Hyun Jang, Rachel L Winer. Development and evaluation of an online continuing education course to increase healthcare provider self-efficacy to make strong HPV vaccine recommendations to East African immigrant families. Tumour virus research. 2021, 11: 200214
    Cited : 16
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  • 5)- Sam Ratnam, Dan Jang, Laura Gilbert, Reza Alaghehbandan, Miranda Schell, Rob Needle, Anne Ecobichon-Morris, Peizhong Peter Wang, Mozibur Rahman, Dustin Costescu, Laurie Elit, George Zahariadis, Max Chernesky. Corrigendum to CINtec PLUS and cobas HPV testing for triaging Canadian women referred to colposcopy with a history of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion: Baseline findings [Papillomavirus Res. 10 (2020) 100206]. Tumour virus research. 2021, 11: 200215
    Cited : 1
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  • 6)- Megan A Smith, Karen Winch, Karen Canfell, Julia Ml Brotherton. Effective HPV vaccination coverage in Australia by number of doses and two-dose spacing: What if one or two doses are sufficient? Tumour virus research. 2021, 11: 200216
    Cited : 11
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