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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Inflammation and Cell Signaling
  • Fengchun Ye. RNA N-adenosine methylation (mA) steers epitranscriptomic control of herpesvirus replication. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2017, 4 (3):
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  • Shi-Ying Cai, James L Boyer. Studies on the mechanisms of bile acid initiated hepatic inflammation in cholestatic liver injury. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2017, 4 (2):
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  • Yiliu Liu, Rongtuan Lin, David Olagnier. RIGulation of STING expression: at the crossroads of viral RNA and DNA sensing pathways. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2017, 4 (1): e1491
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  • Allister J Loughran, Elaine I Tuomanen. Blood borne: bacterial components in mother's blood influence fetal development. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2016, 3 (4):
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  • Yohannes T Ghebre. Antacid therapy and disease outcomes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: flip side of the story. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2016, 3 (3):
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  • Jian Li, Andria Doty, Sarah C Glover. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling involves in the human intestinal ILC3/ILC1 conversion in the inflamed terminal ileum of Crohn's disease patients. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2016, 3 (3):
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  • JoAnn Trial, Lawrence A Potempa, Mark L Entman. The role of C-reactive protein in innate and acquired inflammation: new perspectives. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2016, 3 (2):
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  • Megan E Vogel, Stephen D Zucker. Bilirubin acts as an endogenous regulator of inflammation by disrupting adhesion molecule-mediated leukocyte migration. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2016, 3 (1):
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  • Fabien Loison, Yuanfu Xu, Hongbo R Luo. Proteinase 3 and Serpin B1: a novel pathway in the regulation of caspase-3 activation, neutrophil spontaneous apoptosis, and inflammation. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2014, 1 (6):
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  • Dingzhi Wang, Raymond N DuBois. PPARδ and PGE signaling pathways communicate and connect inflammation to colorectal cancer. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2014, 1 (6):
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  • Eugenia Morselli, Alfredo Criollo, Carlos Rodriguez-Navas, Deborah J Clegg. Chronic High Fat Diet Consumption Impairs Metabolic Health of Male Mice. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2014, 1 (6): e561
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  • Margaret M Harnett, William Harnett, Miguel A Pineda. The parasitic worm product ES-62 up-regulates IL-22 production by γδ T cells in the murine model of Collagen-Induced Arthritis. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2014, 1 (5):
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  • Ling Yan, Marion A Hofmann Bowman. Chronic sustained inflammation links to left ventricular hypertrophy and aortic valve sclerosis: a new link between S100/RAGE and FGF23. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2014, 1 (5):
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  • Trivendra Tripathi, Hassan Alizadeh. Significance of arachidonic acid in ocular infections and inflammation. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2014, 1 (5):
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  • George Hajishengallis. MFG-E8, a novel homeostatic regulator of osteoclastogenesis. Inflammation and cell signaling. 2014, 1 (5): e285
    Cited : 2
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