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BMC Public Health

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  • Marjan Abbasi-Dokht-Rafsanjani, Samaneh Hosseinzadeh, Enayatollah Bakhshi, Fereidoun Azizi, Davood Khalili. Factors associated with smoking intensity among adult smokers: findings from the longitudinal cohort of the Tehran lipid and glucose study. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2512
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  • Sophie Rutter, Andrew Madden, Lauren White. Challenges of accessing hygiene facilities when on the move: an exploratory interview study with UK mobile workers. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2514
    Cited : 2
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  • Whitlee Migl, Haley Mathis, Matthew Spencer, Ruby Hernandez, Jay E Maddock. Undergraduate college students' awareness and perception of nature - a photovoice study. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2515
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  • Yong Yu, Huilin Cai, Xi Chen, Fuqun Xiao, Keke Qin, Jiahong Li. Intimate partner violence and its associations among HIV-infected MSM with new drug abuse in Jinan, China. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2517
    Cited : 2
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  • Jerry Paul Ninnoni, Frederick Nsatimba, Sampson Opoku Agyemang, Isaac Tetteh Commey, Lydia Bennin, Elizabeth Agyare, Leveana Gyimah, Kafui Senya, Nyonuku Akosua Baddoo, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah. An exploratory qualitative study of the psychological effects of HIV diagnosis; the need for early involvement of mental health professionals to improve linkage to care. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2518
    Cited : 4
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  • Xiaoxia Li, Xiaoyu Chang, Yuanyuan Dang, Yixuan Xue, Qingan Wang, Wanlu Liu, Ting Yin, Yi Zhao, Yuhong Zhang. Additive interactions between obesity and insulin resistance on hypertension in a Chinese rural population. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2519
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  • Yazhuo Gao, Ying Chen, Yin Lin, Fangfang Zhong, Xuehua Zhu. Urban residents' self-rescue in response to public health emergencies in China: a qualitative study. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2520
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  • Reza Shirzad, Ali Asghar Alesheikh, Mojtaba Asgharzadeh, Benyamin Hoseini, Aynaz Lotfata. Spatio-temporal modeling of human leptospirosis prevalence using the maximum entropy model. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2521
    Cited : 2
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  • Xin Liu, Lin-Can Cheng, Teng-Yu Gao, Jie Luo, Chao Zhang. The burden of brain and central nervous system cancers in Asia from 1990 to 2019 and its predicted level in the next twenty-five years : Burden and prediction model of CNS cancers in Asia. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2522
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  • Pia Chedid, Elie Salem Sokhn. Prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in Lebanon: association with inflammatory and infectious clinical markers. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2523
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  • Clara Tam, Tim Wesseling, Lu Wang, Kate Salters, David M Moore, Nicole Dawydiuk, Julia Zhu, Sean Grieve, Brittany Bingham, Taylor McLinden, Robert Hogg, Rolando Barrios. It's all about connection: Determinants of social support and the influence on HIV treatment interruptions among people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2524
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  • Xiaocong Li, Mahshid Dehghan, Lap Ah Tse, Xinyue Lang, Sumathy Rangarajan, Weida Liu, Bo Hu, Salim Yusuf, Chuangshi Wang, Wei Li. Associations of dietary copper intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality: findings from the Chinese Perspective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-China) Study. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2525
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  • Ibrahim R Bou-Orm, Giulia Loffreda, Karin Diaconu, Sophie Witter, Pol deVos. Political Economy of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) prevention and control in Lebanon: identifying challenges and opportunities for policy change and care provision reforms. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2526
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  • Zixuan Peng, Prossy Kiddu Namyalo, Xu Chen, Mingjie Lv, Peter C Coyte. What motivates individuals to share information with governments when adopting health technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic? BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2527
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  • Xue Xia, Shuohua Chen, Xue Tian, Qin Xu, Yijun Zhang, Xiaoli Zhang, Penglian Wang, Shouling Wu, Liming Lin, Anxin Wang. Cardiovascular health and life expectancy with and without cardiovascular disease in the middle-aged and elderly Chinese population. BMC public health. 2023, 23 (1): 2528
    Cited : 1
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