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  • Koser Khan, Rachel Al-Izzi, Alexander Montasem, Clare Gordon, Heather Brown, Joanna Goldthorpe. The feasibility of identifying health inequalities in social prescribing referrals and declines using primary care patient records. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 1
    Cited : 3
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  • Amy Thompson, Sudipta Banerjee, David Churchill, Marian Knight. Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in pregnancy and the postpartum period: A retrospective case series analysis. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 12
    Cited : 1
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  • Julia Gauly, Rachel Court, Kate Seers, Graeme Currie, Amy Grove. In which context and for whom can interventions improve leadership of surgical trainees, surgeons and surgical teams and why: a realist review protocol. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 16
    Cited : 1
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  • Gemma Hughes, Sarah Rybczynska-Bunt, Sara Shasha'h, Sarah Greene, Sara Shaw, Trisha Greenhalgh. Protocol: How can people with social care needs be supported through processes of digital care navigation to access remote primary care? A multi-site case study in UK general practice of remote care as the 'new normal'. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 17
    Cited : 1
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  • Rebecca J Calthorpe, Natalie Goodchild, Vigilius Gleetus, Vinishaa Premakumar, Bu Hayee, Zoe Elliott, Bethinn Evans, Nicola J Rowbotham, Siobhán B Carr, Helen Barr, Alexander Horsley, Daniel Peckham, Alan R Smyth. A grumbling concern: an international survey of gastrointestinal symptoms in cystic fibrosis in the modulator era. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 18
    Cited : 3
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  • Andrew D Bretherick, Simon J McGrath, Andy Devereux-Cooke, Sian Leary, Emma Northwood, Anna Redshaw, Pippa Stacey, Claire Tripp, Jim Wilson, Sonya Chowdhury, Isabel Lewis, Øyvind Almelid, Sumy V Baby, Tom Baker, Hannes Becher, Thibaud Boutin, Malgorzata Clyde, Diana Garcia, John Ireland, Shona M Kerr, Ewan McDowall, David Perry, Gemma L Samms, Veronique Vitart, Jareth C Wolfe, Chris P Ponting. Typing myalgic encephalomyelitis by infection at onset: A DecodeME study. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 20
    Cited : 3
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  • Clare Bennett, Ben Hannigan, Mair B Elliott, Martin Elliott, Nicola Evans, Claire Fraser, Euan Hails, Aled Jones, Iain McMillan, Steven Pryjmachuk, Leanne Sawle, Rachael Vaughan. Crisis care for children and young people with mental health problems: national mapping, models of delivery, sustainability and experience (CAMH-Crisis2). A study protocol. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 22
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  • Jenny Hatchard, Penny Buykx, Alan Brennan, Duncan Gillespie. Options for modifying UK alcohol and tobacco tax: A rapid scoping review of the evidence over the period 1997-2018. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 26
    Cited : 2
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  • Emma S Hock, Matthew Franklin, Susan Baxter, Mark Clowes, James Chilcott, Duncan Gillespie. Covariates of success in quitting smoking: a systematic review of studies from 2008 to 2021 conducted to inform the statistical analyses of quitting outcomes of a hospital-based tobacco dependence treatment service in the United Kingdom. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 28
    Cited : 2
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  • Sophie M C Green, Louise H Hall, Nikki Rousseau, David P French, Christopher D Graham, Michelle Collinson, Ellen Mason, Hollie Wilkes, Daniel Howdon, Robbie Foy, Rebecca Walwyn, Jane Clark, Catherine Parbutt, Erin Raine, Rachel Ellison, Jacqueline Buxton, Sally J L Moore, Galina Velikova, Amanda Farrin, Samuel G Smith. Acceptability, fidelity and trial experience of four intervention components to support medication adherence in women with breast cancer: A process evaluation protocol for a pilot fractional factorial trial. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 3
    Cited : 2
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  • Carl R May, Carolyn A Chew-Graham, Katie I Gallacher, Katja C Gravenhorst, Frances S Mair, Ellen Nolte, Alison Richardson. EXPERTS II - How are patient and caregiver participation in health and social care shaped by experienced burden of treatment and social inequalities? Protocol for a qualitative synthesis. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 31
    Cited : 2
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  • Erica Wirrmann Gadsby, Janet Krska, Claire Duddy, Vivienne Hibberd, Geoff Wong. The NHS Health Check programme: a survey of programme delivery in England before and after the Covid-19 pandemic response. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 32
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  • Alexis Joannides, Tommi Kalevi Korhonen, David Clark, Sujit Gnanakumar, Sara Venturini, Midhun Mohan, Thomas Bashford, Ronnie Baticulon, Indira Devi Bhagavatula, Ignatius Esene, Rocío Fernández-Méndez, Anthony Figaji, Deepak Gupta, Tariq Khan, Tsegazeab Laeke, Michael Martin, David Menon, Wellingson Paiva, Kee B Park, Jogi V Pattisapu, Andres M Rubiano, Vijaya Sekhar, Hamisi Shabani, Kachinga Sichizya, Davi Solla, Abenezer Tirsit, Manjul Tripathi, Carole Turner, Bart Depreitere, Corrado Iaccarin. An international, prospective observational study on traumatic brain injury epidemiology study protocol:  . NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 34
    Cited : 2
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  • Cassie Eastham, Warren Mansell, Chris Sutton, Yeliz Prior, John Keady, Gemma Shields, Cathy Riley, Gail Bowker, Yvonne Sylvestre, Lydia Morris. Protocol of a feasibility randomised controlled trial of Empowered Conversations: training family carers to enhance their relationships and communication with people living with dementia. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 36
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  • Amanda Lewis, Madeleine Clout, Jonathan Benger, Philip Braude, Nicholas Turner, James Gagg, Emma Gendall, Simon Holloway, Jenny Ingram, Rebecca Kandiyali, Nick Maskell, David Shipway, Jason E Smith, Jodi Taylor, Alia Darweish-Medniuk, Edward Carlton. The Randomised Evaluation of early topical Lidocaine patches In Elderly patients admitted to hospital with rib Fractures (RELIEF): feasibility trial protocol. NIHR open research. 2023, 3: 38
    Cited : 0
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