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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Autophagy Reports
  • Yungui Guo, Erika R Geisbrecht. Orchestration of autophagosome fusion by STRIPAK complex components in muscle tissue. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Paloma B Liton, Kathleen Boesze-Battaglia, Michael E Boulton, Patricia Boya, Thomas A Ferguson, Ian G Ganley, Anu Kauppinnen, Gordon W Laurie, Noboru Mizushima, Hideaki Morishita, Rossella Russo, Jaya Sadda, Rajalekshmy Shyam, Debasish Sinha, Debra A Thompson, David N Zacks. AUTOPHAGY IN THE EYE: FROM PHYSIOLOGY TO PATHOPHYSOLOGY. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Ron Benyair, Sai Srinivas Panapakkam Giridharan, Pilar Rivero-Ríos, Junya Hasegawa, Emily Bristow, Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen, Merav D Shmueli, Vered Fishbain-Yoskovitz, Yifat Merbl, Lisa M Sharkey, Henry L Paulson, Phyllis I Hanson, Samarjit Patnaik, Ismael Al-Ramahi, Juan Botas, Juan Marugan, Lois S Weisman. Upregulation of the ESCRT pathway and multivesicular bodies accelerates degradation of proteins associated with neurodegeneration. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Patricia Silvia Romano, Takahiko Akematsu, Sébastien Besteiro, Annina Bindschedler, Vern B Carruthers, Zeinab Chahine, Isabelle Coppens, Albert Descoteaux, Thabata Lopes Alberto Duque, Cynthia Y He, Volker Heussler, Karine G Le Roch, Feng-Jun Li, Juliana Perrone Bezerra de Menezes, Rubem Figueiredo Sadok Menna-Barreto, Jeremy C Mottram, Jacqueline Schmuckli-Maurer, Boris Turk, Patricia Sampaio Tavares Veras, Betiana Nebai Salassa, María Cristina Vanrell. Autophagy in protists and their hosts: When, how and why? Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Damián Lobato-Márquez, José Javier Conesa, Ana Teresa López-Jiménez, Michael E Divine, Jonathan N Pruneda, Serge Mostowy. Interplay between septins and ubiquitin-mediated xenophagy during entrapment. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Arnold Sipos, Kwang-Jin Kim, Constantinos Sioutas, Edward D Crandall. Kinetics of autophagic activity in nanoparticle-exposed lung adenocarcinoma (A549) cells. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Sheridan Mikhail, Scott A Soleimanpour. Protein disorder in the regulatory control of mitophagy. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Myoung Sup Shim, Angela Dixon, April Nettesheim, Kristin M Perkumas, W Daniel Stamer, Yang Sun, Paloma B Liton. Shear stress induces autophagy in Schlemm's canal cells via primary cilia-mediated SMAD2/3 signaling pathway. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Austin Folger, Chuan Chen, Marie-Helene Kabbaj, Karina Frey, Yanchang Wang. Neurodegenerative disease-associated inclusion bodies are cleared by selective autophagy in budding yeast. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Anuradha Venkatakrishnan Chimata, Hannah Darnell, Akanksha Raj, Madhuri Kango-Singh, Amit Singh. Transcriptional pausing factor M1BP regulates cellular homeostasis by suppressing autophagy and apoptosis in eye. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1):
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  • Ahmed M Elshazly, Polina A Wright, Jingwen Xu, David A Gewirtz. Topoisomerase I poisons-induced autophagy: Cytoprotective, Cytotoxic or Non-protective. Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1): 1-16
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  • Yan Hu, Fulvio Reggiori. The yeast dynamin-like GTPase Vps1 mediates Atg9 transport to the phagophore assembly site in . Autophagy reports. 2023, 2 (1): 2247309
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  • Daniel J Klionsky, Fulvio Reggiori. Wait, can you remind me just why we need another journal focused on autophagy? Autophagy reports. 2022, 1 (1): 1-4
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  • Allen Chen, Wen-Xing Ding, Hong-Min Ni. Scramblases as Regulators of Autophagy and Lipid Homeostasis: Implications for NAFLD. Autophagy reports. 2022, 1 (1): 143-160
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  • Pin-Chao Liao, Liza A Pon. Lipid droplets in stress protection: distinct mechanisms of lipid droplet microautophagy. Autophagy reports. 2022, 1 (1): 197-200
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