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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Palliative Medicine Reports
  • Grace Warmels, Anne Roberts, John Haddad, Marie-Hélène Chomienne, Shirley H Bush, Valerie Gratton. Comparing Adherence with Best Practices in End-of-Life Care After Implementing the End-of-Life Order Set: A Quality Improvement Project in an Ottawa Academic Hospital. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 100-107
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  • Hanna Pihlaja, Heidi Rantala, Sirpa Leivo-Korpela, Lauri Lehtimäki, Juho T Lehto, Reetta P Piili. Specialist Palliative Care Consultation for Patients with Nonmalignant Pulmonary Diseases: A Retrospective Study. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 108-115
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  • Jacynthe Rivest, Ghislaine Rouly, Marie-Josée Brouillette, Olivia Nguyen, Véronique Desbeaumes Jodoin. Improving Palliative Care and Medical Assistance in Dying Practice in Canada: How Patients-Partners Could Contribute to Continuing Medical Education. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 116-119
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  • Slavica Kochovska, Sungwon Chang, Max Olsson, Magnus Ekström, David C Currow. Associations in Perceived Health and Persistent Breathlessness: A Cross-Sectional Study. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 120-126
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  • Alyssa E Tilly, April Evans, Jane S Chen, Agness Manda, Ande Salima, Samuel Bingo, Maria Chikasema, Katherine D Westmoreland. Kusankha Pamodzi: Health Care Decision-Making Preferences Among Patients with Cancer in Malawi. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 127-132
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  • Christopher R Powers, Garrett E Snipes, Katie Boykin Harbin, Andrew Fischer, Nancy Anderson, Kevin Cheng, Kristi Ford-Scales, Bryan C Siefert. Integration of the Verbatim Exercise into a Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 133-138
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  • Ryuto Shiraishi, Yoshiyuki Kizawa, Masanori Mori, Isseki Maeda, Yutaka Hatano, Hiroto Ishiki, Tomofumi Miura, Naosuke Yokomichi, Maiko Kodama, Keiko Inoue, Sen Otomo, Takashi Yamaguchi, Jun Hamano. Comparison of Symptom Severity and Progression in Advanced Cancer Patients Among Different Care Settings: A Secondary Analysis. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 139-149
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  • Takatoshi Hirayama, Yuko Ogawa, Yuko Yanai, Akie Shindo, Moeko Tanaka, Shin-Ichi Suzuki. Feasibility and Preliminary Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation for Patients with Cancer and Depression in Japan. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 150-160
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  • Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Akito Higuchi, Marika Shiba, Kenta Sasaki, Takuro Saiki, Yujiro Honma, Kazuyoshi Kimura, Qiliang Zhou, Yasuo Saijo. Termination of Palliative Chemotherapy Near the End of Life: A Retrospective Study of Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 169-174
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  • Saadiya Khan, Kim Sadler, Khawar Sidiqui, Hamad AlYami, Malak AlGarni, Amani Al-Kofide, Antonello Podda. Physicians' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perception Toward Pediatric Palliative Care in Saudi Arabia: A National Exploratory Survey. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 185-192
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  • Miho Takemura, Kazuyuki Niki, Yoshiaki Okamoto, Yoshinobu Matsuda, Makie Kohno, Mikiko Ueda. Identification of Factors Contributing to Methadone-Induced Daytime Sleepiness in Cancer Patients and Proposal of the Conversion Ratio from Other Opioids to Oral Methadone: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 194-201
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  • Chikako Matsumura, Nanako Koyama, Kaho Okuno, Nobuhiko Nakamura, Morito Sako, Hideo Kurosawa, Takehisa Nomura, Yuki Eguchi, Kazuki Ohba, Yoshitaka Yano. Survival Prediction of Patients Who Were Terminally Ill Using the EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL Scores and Laboratory Test Values. Palliative medicine reports. 2023, 4 (1): 202-207
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