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Published By Elsevier España

  • L M HURXTHAL. The treatment of myxedema and cretinism. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 763-74
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  • R H WILLIAMS. Treatment of adrenal insufficiency. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 775-96
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  • M A GOLDZIEHER. Treatment of adrenal medullary tumors. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 797-804
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  • R F ESCAMILLA. Clinical management of patients with pituitary tumors. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 805-16
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  • C W DUNN. The management of the acute menopausal patient. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 817-28
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  • W H PERLOFF. Therapy of infertility in the female. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 829-46
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  • C W DUNN. Endocrines in senescence. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 847-59
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  • N J HECKEL. Sex hormone therapy in the treatment of carcinoma of the prostate and benign prostatic hypertrophy. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 860-77
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  • G W DUNN, R H HOFFMAN. Male hormone therapy. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 878-97
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  • C W DUNN. The constitutional effects of male hormone therapy. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 898-919
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  • C W CHARNY. The endocrine treatment of male sterility. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 920-34
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  • C W DUNN. Endocrine therapy of achondroplasia; a seven-year report of successful therapy. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 935-60
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  • R TAUBER. Contribution to the technic of the Kielland forceps. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 961-70
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  • R FRANCISCO. Rheumatic heart disease in the tropics with special-reference to its incidence in Puerto Rico. Clinics. 1946, 5 (4): 971-84
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  • C W WYCKOFF. Advances in infant feeding. Clinics. 1946, 5 (3): 589-600
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