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Published By Cambridge University Press

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Public Health Nutrition
  • Surabhi Chaturvedi, Sumathi Swaminathan, Sanchit Makkar, Anjaly Teresa John, Tinku Thomas. Assessing association of household diet diversity with mother's time-use on productive and reproductive activities - A case for gender sensitive social safety nets. Public health nutrition. 2024, : 1-22
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  • Corinne Jotterand Chaparro, Clémence Moullet, Valeria A Bertoni Maluf, Nicolas Parel, Lyvonne Tume, Angéline Chatelan, Clara Benzi Schmid, Raphaël Reinert, Sophie Bucher Della Torre. Development and application of a 2-step methodology to select a reference society providing Dietary Reference Values for national implementation. Public health nutrition. 2024, : 1-25
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  • Gabriela Lopes da Cruz, Maria Laura da Costa Louzada, Jacqueline Tereza da Silva, Josefa Maria Fellegger Garzillo, Fernanda Rauber, Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Christian Reynolds, Renata Bertazzi Levy. The environmental impact of beef and ultra-processed food consumption in Brazil. Public health nutrition. 2024, : 1-26
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  • Mahdieh Mohamadzadeh, Majid Valizadeh, Farhad Hosseinpanah, Amirabbas Momenan, Maryam Mahdavi, Maryam Barzin, Feridoun Azizi. Comprehensive Evaluation of Body Composition in a Wide Age Range of Iranian Adults Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS). Public health nutrition. 2024, : 1-27
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  • Jorunn Sofie Randby, Terje Ogden, Nanna Lien. Implementation and effectiveness of a school-based intervention to increase adherence to national school meal guidelines: a nonrandomized controlled trial. Public health nutrition. 2024, : 1-34
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  • Christelle Akl, Nehmat El-Helou, Gloria Safadi, Aline Semaan, Aya El Sammak, Tarek Trabelsi, Sonia Sassi, Chaza Akik, Jalila El Ati, Pierre Traissac, Hala Ghattas, . Urban school neighborhoods dominated by unhealthy food retailers and advertisements in Greater Tunis: a geospatial study in the midst of the nutrition transition. Public health nutrition. 2024, : 1-36
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  • Hannah Ricci, Mieke Faber, Cristian Ricci, Herculina S Kruger, Linda Malan, Regina Nakiranda, Marina Visser, Cornelius Marius Smuts. Effects of egg as an early complementary food on growth of 6- to 9-month-old infants: a randomised controlled trial. Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e1
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  • Bridget Kelly, Emma Boyland, Mimi Tatlow-Golden, Paul Christiansen. Testing a conceptual Hierarchy of Effects model of food marketing exposure and associations with children and adolescents' diet-related outcomes. Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e10
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  • Bruna Aparecida Avelar, Adriano Akira Ferreira Hino, Anabele Pires Santos, Larissa Loures Mendes, Júlia Cristina Cardoso Carraro, Raquel de Deus Mendonça, Mariana Carvalho de Menezes. Validity and reliability of the Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey (NEMS-P) for use in Brazil. Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e11
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  • Zainorain Natasha Zainal Arifen, Hasnah Haron, Suzana Shahar, Zaliha Harun, Viola Michael, Yee Xing You, Zahara Abdul Manaf, Hazreen Abdul Majid, Yook Chin Chia, Feng J He, Mhairi Karen Brown, Graham A MacGregor. Perceptions, barriers and enablers on salt reduction in the out-of-home sectors in Malaysia (MySaltOH) from the perspective of street food vendors, caterers and consumers. Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e12
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  • Daisy Recchia, Marlène Perignon, Pascaline Rollet, Nicolas Bricas, Simon Vonthron, Coline Perrin, Lucie Sirieix, Hélène Charreire, Caroline Méjean, . Store-specific grocery shopping patterns and their association with objective and perceived retail food environments. Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e13
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  • Mariana De Santis Filgueiras, Milene Cristine Pessoa, Josefina Bressan, Ariene Silva do Carmo, Aline Siqueira Fogal Vegi, Fernanda Martins de Albuquerque, Juliana Farias de Novaes. Obesogenic neighborhood environment is associated with body fat and low-grade inflammation in Brazilian children: could the mother's BMI be a mediating factor? Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e14
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  • Kemish Kenneth Alier, Hannah Tappis, Sule Ismail, Shannon Doocy. Impact of COVID-19 program adaptations on costs and cost-effectiveness of community management of acute malnutrition program in South Sudan. Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e15
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  • Chris Vogliano, Veronica Varela, Monica Woldt, Silvia Alayon, Laura S Hackl, Gina Kennedy, Sarah H Pedersen, Erin M Milner, Jennifer Yourkavitch. Assessing the performance of national sentinel food lists at subnational levels in six countries. Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e2
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  • Duong Tt Van, Anna W Herforth, Huong T Trinh, Binh Tt Dao, Ha Tp Do, Elise F Talsma, Edith Jm Feskens. Cost and affordability of healthy diets in Vietnam. Public health nutrition. 2023, 27 (1): e3
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