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  • Matrix Biology Plus: 2022, vol: 16, issue:
  • 1)- Karim Almahayni, Malte Spiekermann, Antonio Fiore, Guoqiang Yu, Kayvon Pedram, Leonhard Möckl. Small molecule inhibitors of mammalian glycosylation. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100108
    Cited : 10
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  • 2)- L H Frommherz, S B Sayar, Y Wang, L K Trefzer, Y He, J Leppert, P Eßer, C Has. Integrin α3 negative podocytes: A gene expression study. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100119
    Cited : 0
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  • 3)- Lauren K Wareham, John Kuchtey, Hang-Jing Wu, Evan Krystofiak, Yusheng Wu, Cynthia A Reinhart-King, Rachel W Kuchtey. Lysyl oxidase-like 1 deficiency alters ultrastructural and biomechanical properties of the peripapillary sclera in mice. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100120
    Cited : 5
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  • 4)- Danielle Pretorius, Robert P Richter, Tanya Anand, Jessica C Cardenas, Jillian R Richter. Alterations in heparan sulfate proteoglycan synthesis and sulfation and the impact on vascular endothelial function. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100121
    Cited : 22
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  • 5)- Ella Reed, Adam Fellows, Ruifang Lu, Marieke Rienks, Lukas Schmidt, Xiaoke Yin, Elisa Duregotti, Mona Brandt, Susanne Krasemann, Kristin Hartmann, Javier Barallobre-Barreiro, Owen Addison, Friederike Cuello, Arne Hansen, Manuel Mayr. Extracellular Matrix Profiling and Disease Modelling in Engineered Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Tissues. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100122
    Cited : 4
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  • 6)- Ashley Fung, Mei Sun, Louis J Soslowsky, David E Birk. Targeted conditional collagen XII deletion alters tendon function. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100123
    Cited : 7
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  • 7)- Kevin I Rolnick, Joshua A Choe, Ellen M Leiferman, Jaclyn Kondratko-Mittnacht, Anna E B Clements, Geoffrey S Baer, Peng Jiang, Ray Vanderby, Connie S Chamberlain. Periostin modulates extracellular matrix behavior in tendons. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100124
    Cited : 5
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  • 8)- Deniz Bakkalci, Amir Zaki Abdullah Zubir, Syed Ali Khurram, Judith Pape, Kristiina Heikinheimo, Stefano Fedele, Umber Cheema. Modelling stromal compartments to recapitulate the ameloblastoma tumour microenvironment. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100125
    Cited : 4
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  • 9)- Karim Almahayni, Malte Spiekermann, Antonio Fiore, Guoqiang Yu, Kayvon Pedram, Leonhard Möckl. Erratum to "Small molecule inhibitors of mammalian glycosylation" [Matrix Biol. Plus 16C (2022) 100108]. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100126
    Cited : 1
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