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  • Athiramol Sasi, Andreas Romaine, Pugazendhi Murugan Erusappan, Arne Olav Melleby, Almira Hasic, Christen Peder Dahl, Kaspar Broch, Vibeke Marie Almaas, Rosa Doñate Puertas, H Llewelyn Roderick, Ida Gjervold Lunde, Ivar Sjaastad, Maria Vistnes, Geir Christensen. Temporal expression and spatial distribution of the proteoglycan versican during cardiac fibrosis development. Matrix biology plus. 2023, 19-20: 100135
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  • Auxtine Micalet, Luke J Tappouni, Katarzyna Peszko, Despoina Karagianni, Ashley Lam, John R Counsell, Sergio A Quezada, Emad Moeendarbary, Umber Cheema. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) regulates invasion and matrix remodelling in colorectal cancer. Matrix biology plus. 2023, 19-20: 100137
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  • Danielle Steffen, Michael Mienaltowski, Keith Baar. Spatial gene expression in the adult rat patellar tendon. Matrix biology plus. 2023, 19-20: 100138
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  • Kelsey Y Gsell, Samuel P Veres, Laurent Kreplak. Single collagen fibrils isolated from high stress and low stress tendons show differing susceptibility to enzymatic degradation by the interstitial collagenase matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1). Matrix biology plus. 2023, 18: 100129
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  • Emeline Perrier-Groult, Shérine Moustaghfir, Marielle Pasdeloup, Jean-Daniel Malcor, Jérôme Lafont, Frédéric Mallein-Gerin. Presence of type IIB procollagen in mouse articular cartilage and growth plate is revealed by immuno-histochemical analysis with a novel specific antibody. Matrix biology plus. 2023, 18: 100130
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  • Ross P Wohlgemuth, Ryan M Feitzinger, Kyle E Henricson, Daryl T Dinh, Sarah E Brashear, Lucas R Smith. The extracellular matrix of dystrophic mouse diaphragm accounts for the majority of its passive stiffness and is resistant to collagenase digestion. Matrix biology plus. 2023, 18: 100131
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  • David Peeney, Yu Fan, Sadeechya Gurung, Carolyn Lazaroff, Shashikala Ratnayake, Andrew Warner, Baktiar Karim, Daoud Meerzaman, William G Stetler-Stevenson. Whole organism profiling of the Timp gene family. Matrix biology plus. 2023, 18: 100132
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  • Sugiko Futaki, Ayano Horimoto, Chisei Shimono, Naoko Norioka, Yukimasa Taniguchi, Hitomi Hamaoka, Mari Kaneko, Mayo Shigeta, Takaya Abe, Kiyotoshi Sekiguchi, Yoichi Kondo. Visualization of basement membranes by a nidogen-based fluorescent reporter in mice. Matrix biology plus. 2023, 18: 100133
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  • Jillian R Richter, Ralph D Sanderson. The glycocalyx: Pathobiology and repair. Matrix biology plus. 2023, 17: 100128
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  • Karim Almahayni, Malte Spiekermann, Antonio Fiore, Guoqiang Yu, Kayvon Pedram, Leonhard Möckl. Small molecule inhibitors of mammalian glycosylation. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100108
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  • L H Frommherz, S B Sayar, Y Wang, L K Trefzer, Y He, J Leppert, P Eßer, C Has. Integrin α3 negative podocytes: A gene expression study. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100119
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  • Lauren K Wareham, John Kuchtey, Hang-Jing Wu, Evan Krystofiak, Yusheng Wu, Cynthia A Reinhart-King, Rachel W Kuchtey. Lysyl oxidase-like 1 deficiency alters ultrastructural and biomechanical properties of the peripapillary sclera in mice. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100120
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  • Danielle Pretorius, Robert P Richter, Tanya Anand, Jessica C Cardenas, Jillian R Richter. Alterations in heparan sulfate proteoglycan synthesis and sulfation and the impact on vascular endothelial function. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 16: 100121
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