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  • Matrix Biology Plus: 2022, vol: 14, issue:
  • 1)- Raphael Reuten, Alejandro E Mayorca-Guiliani, Janine Terra Erler. Matritecture: Mapping the extracellular matrix architecture during health and disease. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100102
    Cited : 7
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  • 2)- N Kanyo, K D Kovács, S V Kovács, B Béres, B Peter, I Székács, R Horvath. Single-cell adhesivity distribution of glycocalyx digested cancer cells from high spatial resolution label-free biosensor measurements. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100103
    Cited : 6
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  • 3)- Kevin James Metcalf, Mary-Kate Hayward, Eric Berens, Alastair J Ironside, Connor Stashko, E Shelley Hwang, Valerie M Weaver. Immunosuppressive glycoproteins associate with breast tumor fibrosis and aggression. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100105
    Cited : 7
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  • 4)- Robert P Richter, Gregory A Payne, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Amit Gaggar, Jillian R Richter. The endothelial glycocalyx in critical illness: A pediatric perspective. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100106
    Cited : 11
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  • 5)- Mark Barry, Shibani Pati. Targeting repair of the vascular endothelium and glycocalyx after traumatic injury with plasma and platelet resuscitation. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100107
    Cited : 14
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  • 6)- Delanyo Kpeglo, Matthew D G Hughes, Lorna Dougan, Malcolm Haddrick, Margaret A Knowles, Stephen D Evans, Sally A Peyman. Modeling the mechanical stiffness of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100109
    Cited : 14
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  • 7)- Inkyung Kang, Christian Hundhausen, Stephen P Evanko, Prasanthi Malapati, Gail Workman, Christina K Chan, Cliff Rims, Gary S Firestein, David L Boyle, Kevin M MacDonald, Jane H Buckner, Thomas N Wight. Crosstalk between CD4 T cells and synovial fibroblasts from human arthritic joints promotes hyaluronan-dependent leukocyte adhesion and inflammatory cytokine expression in vitro. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100110
    Cited : 3
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  • 8)- Weikun Xiao, Mahsa Pahlavanneshan, Chae-Young Eun, Xinyu Zhang, Charlene DeKalb, Bayan Mahgoub, Hanaa Knaneh-Monem, Sana Shah, Alireza Sohrabi, Stephanie K Seidlits, Reginald Hill. Matrix stiffness mediates pancreatic cancer chemoresistance through induction of exosome hypersecretion in a cancer associated fibroblasts-tumor organoid biomimetic model. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100111
    Cited : 27
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  • 9)- James Ozanne, Brandon Shek, Louise A Stephen, Amanda Novak, Elspeth Milne, Gerry Mclachlan, Kim S Midwood, Colin Farquharson. Tenascin-C is a driver of inflammation in the DSS model of colitis. Matrix biology plus. 2022, 14: 100112
    Cited : 3
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