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  • Matrix Biology Plus: 2021, vol: 12, issue:
  • 1)- David M Hudson, Marilyn Archer, Jyoti Rai, MaryAnn Weis, Russell J Fernandes, David R Eyre. Age-related type I collagen modifications reveal tissue-defining differences between ligament and tendon. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100070
    Cited : 17
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  • 2)- Eva Avilla-Royo, Katharina Gegenschatz-Schmid, Jonas Grossmann, Tobias Kockmann, Roland Zimmermann, Jess Gerrit Snedeker, Nicole Ochsenbein-Kölble, Martin Ehrbar. Comprehensive quantitative characterization of the human term amnion proteome. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100084
    Cited : 5
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  • 3)- Adrian Murgoci, Melinda Duer. Molecular conformations and dynamics in the extracellular matrix of mammalian structural tissues: Solid-state NMR spectroscopy approaches. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100086
    Cited : 10
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  • 4)- Xi Zhuo Jiang, Michael S Goligorsky. Biomechanical properties of endothelial glycocalyx: An imperfect pendulum. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100087
    Cited : 9
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  • 5)- Harunur Rashid, Haiyan Chen, Amjad Javed. Runx2 is required for hypertrophic chondrocyte mediated degradation of cartilage matrix during endochondral ossification. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100088
    Cited : 18
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  • 6)- Sarah J Hernandez, Gianna Fote, Andrea M Reyes-Ortiz, Joan S Steffan, Leslie M Thompson. Cooperation of cell adhesion and autophagy in the brain: Functional roles in development and neurodegenerative disease. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100089
    Cited : 11
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  • 7)- Ramla Omar, Fransiska Malfait, Tom Van Agtmael. Four decades in the making: Collagen III and mechanisms of vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100090
    Cited : 16
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  • 8)- Carolin Christina Drost, Alexandros Rovas, Philipp Kümpers. Protection and rebuilding of the endothelial glycocalyx in sepsis - Science or fiction? Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100091
    Cited : 12
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  • 9)- Bart G J Dekkers, Shehab I Saad, Leah J van Spelde, Janette K Burgess. Basement membranes in obstructive pulmonary diseases. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100092
    Cited : 12
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  • 10)- B E Sherlock, J Chen, J C Mansfield, E Green, C P Winlove. Biophotonic tools for probing extracellular matrix mechanics. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100093
    Cited : 4
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  • 11)- Ryan C Sullivan, Matthew D Rockstrom, Eric P Schmidt, Joseph A Hippensteel. Endothelial glycocalyx degradation during sepsis: Causes and consequences. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100094
    Cited : 32
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  • 12)- Thorben Pape, Anna Maria Hunkemöller, Philipp Kümpers, Hermann Haller, Sascha David, Klaus Stahl. Targeting the "sweet spot" in septic shock - A perspective on the endothelial glycocalyx regulating proteins Heparanase-1 and -2. Matrix biology plus. 2021, 12: 100095
    Cited : 24
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