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Current Plant Biology

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  • Meirambek Ospanov, Francisco León, Janar Jenis, IKhlas A Khan, Mohamed A Ibrahim. Challenges and future directions of potential natural products leads against 2019-nCoV outbreak. Current plant biology. 2020, 24: 100180
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  • Paramita Palit, Himabindu Kudapa, Robert Zougmore, Jana Kholova, Anthony Whitbread, Mamta Sharma, Rajeev K Varshney. An integrated research framework combining genomics, systems biology, physiology, modelling and breeding for legume improvement in response to elevated CO under climate change scenario. Current plant biology. 2020, 22: 100149
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  • David Edwards, Sushma Naithani. Current biology special issue: AGRI2019. Current plant biology. 2020, 22: 100155
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  • Godfrey Wokorach, Hilary Edema, Dennis Muhanguzi, Richard Echodu. Prevalence of sweetpotato viruses in Acholi sub-region, northern Uganda. Current plant biology. 2019, 17: 42-47
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  • Parul Gupta, Sushma Naithani, Marcela Karey Tello-Ruiz, Kapeel Chougule, Peter D'Eustachio, Antonio Fabregat, Yinping Jiao, Maria Keays, Young Koung Lee, Sunita Kumari, Joseph Mulvaney, Andrew Olson, Justin Preece, Joshua Stein, Sharon Wei, Joel Weiser, Laura Huerta, Robert Petryszak, Paul Kersey, Lincoln D Stein, Doreen Ware, Pankaj Jaiswal. Gramene Database: Navigating Plant Comparative Genomics Resources. Current plant biology. 2016, 7-8: 10-15
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  • Xiaoting Chen, Kevin Ernst, Frances Soman, Mike Borowczak, Matthew T Weirauch. : a user-friendly web resource for genome-scale exploration of gene regulation in . Current plant biology. 2015, 3-4: 48-55
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  • Justin W Walley, Steven P Briggs. Dual use of peptide mass spectra: Protein atlas and genome annotation. Current plant biology. 2015, 2: 21-24
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