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  • Man-Yau Chan, Xingchao Chen, Jeffrey L Anderson. The Potential Benefits of Handling Mixture Statistics via a Bi-Gaussian EnKF: Tests With All-Sky Satellite Infrared Radiances. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2023, 15 (2): e2022MS003357
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  • Sebastian Schemm. Toward Eliminating the Decades-Old "Too Zonal and Too Equatorward" Storm-Track Bias in Climate Models. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2023, 15 (2): e2022MS003482
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  • Martin Janssens, Jordi Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, Chiel C van Heerwaarden, Bart J H van Stratum, Stephan R de Roode, A Pier Siebesma, Franziska Glassmeier. The Time Scale of Shallow Convective Self-Aggregation in Large-Eddy Simulations Is Sensitive to Numerics. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2023, 15 (1): e2022MS003292
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  • Jan Ackmann, Peter D Dueben, Tim Palmer, Piotr K Smolarkiewicz. Mixed-Precision for Linear Solvers in Global Geophysical Flows. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2022, 14 (9): e2022MS003148
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  • Gunnar Behrens, Tom Beucler, Pierre Gentine, Fernando Iglesias-Suarez, Michael Pritchard, Veronika Eyring. Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction With a Variational Encoder Decoder to Understand Convective Processes in Climate Models. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2022, 14 (8): e2022MS003130
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  • R K Braghiere, J B Fisher, K Allen, E Brzostek, M Shi, X Yang, D M Ricciuto, R A Fisher, Q Zhu, R P Phillips. Modeling Global Carbon Costs of Plant Nitrogen and Phosphorus Acquisition. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2022, 14 (8): e2022MS003204
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  • Adam B Sokol, Dennis L Hartmann. Congestus Mode Invigoration by Convective Aggregation in Simulations of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2022, 14 (7): e2022MS003045
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  • K E Knowland, C A Keller, P A Wales, K Wargan, L Coy, M S Johnson, J Liu, R A Lucchesi, S D Eastham, E Fleming, Q Liang, T Leblanc, N J Livesey, K A Walker, L E Ott, S Pawson. NASA GEOS Composition Forecast Modeling System GEOS-CF v1.0: Stratospheric Composition. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2022, 14 (6): e2021MS002852
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  • Rebecca H Schwantes, Forrest G Lacey, Simone Tilmes, Louisa K Emmons, Peter H Lauritzen, Stacy Walters, Patrick Callaghan, Colin M Zarzycki, Mary C Barth, Duseong S Jo, Julio T Bacmeister, Richard B Neale, Francis Vitt, Erik Kluzek, Behrooz Roozitalab, Samuel R Hall, Kirk Ullmann, Carsten Warneke, Jeff Peischl, Ilana B Pollack, Frank Flocke, Glenn M Wolfe, Thomas F Hanisco, Frank N Keutsch, Jennifer Kaiser, Thao Paul V Bui, Jose L Jimenez, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Eric C Apel, Rebecca S Hornbrook, . Evaluating the Impact of Chemical Complexity and Horizontal Resolution on Tropospheric Ozone Over the Conterminous US With a Global Variable Resolution Chemistry Model. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2022, 14 (6): e2021MS002889
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  • Ajda Savarin, Shuyi S Chen. Pathways to Better Prediction of the MJO: 2. Impacts of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling on the Upper Ocean and MJO Propagation. Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 2022, 14 (6): e2021MS002929
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