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  • Xianliang Zhu, Rong Zou, Huizhen Qin, Shengfeng Chai, Jianmin Tang, Yingying Li, Xiao Wei. Genome-wide diversity evaluation and core germplasm extraction in ex situ conservation: A case of golden . Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (9): 1519-1530
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  • Hamish A Burnett, Vanessa C Bieker, Mathilde Le Moullec, Bart Peeters, Jørgen Rosvold, Åshild Ønvik Pedersen, Love Dalén, Leif Egil Loe, Henrik Jensen, Brage B Hansen, Michael D Martin. Contrasting genomic consequences of anthropogenic reintroduction and natural recolonization in high-arctic wild reindeer. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (9): 1531-1548
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  • Hugo J Scharfenstein, Carlos Alvarez-Roa, Lesa M Peplow, Patrick Buerger, Wing Yan Chan, Madeleine J H van Oppen. Chemical mutagenesis and thermal selection of coral photosymbionts induce adaptation to heat stress with trait trade-offs. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (9): 1549-1567
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  • Sarah J Lehnert, Ian R Bradbury, Brendan F Wringe, Mallory Van Wyngaarden, Paul Bentzen. Multifaceted framework for defining conservation units: An example from Atlantic salmon () in Canada. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (9): 1568-1585
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  • Chiara Pedrazzini, Hermann Strasser, Niklaus Zemp, Rolf Holderegger, Franco Widmer, Jürg Enkerli. Spatial and temporal patterns in the population genomics of the European cockchafer in the Alpine region. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (9): 1586-1597
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  • Carlos Congrains, Julian R Dupuis, Erick J Rodriguez, Allen L Norrbom, Gary Steck, Bruce Sutton, Norma Nolazco, Reinaldo A de Brito, Scott M Geib. Phylogenomic analysis provides diagnostic tools for the identification of (Diptera: Tephritidae) species complex. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (9): 1598-1618
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  • Barbara L Langille, Tony Kess, Matthew Brachmann, Cameron M Nugent, Amber Messmer, Steven J Duffy, Melissa K Holborn, Mallory Van Wyngaarden, Tim Martin Knutsen, Matthew Kent, Danny Boyce, Robert S Gregory, Johanne Gauthier, Elizabeth A Fairchild, Michael Pietrak, Stephen Eddy, Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, Sofia Consuegra, Ben Whittaker, Paul Bentzen, Ian R Bradbury. Fine-scale environmentally associated spatial structure of lumpfish () across the Northwest Atlantic. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (9): 1619-1636
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  • Ying-Chu Lo, Jade Bruxaux, Ricardo C Rodríguez de la Vega, Samuel O'Donnell, Alodie Snirc, Monika Coton, Mélanie Le Piver, Stéphanie Le Prieur, Daniel Roueyre, Joëlle Dupont, Jos Houbraken, Robert Debuchy, Jeanne Ropars, Tatiana Giraud, Antoine Branca. Domestication in dry-cured meat fungi: Convergent specific phenotypes and horizontal gene transfers without strong genetic subdivision. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (9): 1637-1660
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  • Andy Boëns, Bruno Ernande, Pierre Petitgas, Christophe Lebigre. Different mechanisms underpin the decline in growth of anchovies and sardines of the Bay of Biscay. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (8): 1393-1411
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  • Tyler H Lantiegne, Craig F Purchase. Can cryptic female choice prevent invasive hybridization in external fertilizing fish? Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (8): 1412-1421
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  • Ann J Ropp, Kimberly S Reece, Richard A Snyder, Jingwei Song, Ellen E Biesack, Jan R McDowell. Fine-scale population structure of the northern hard clam () revealed by genome-wide SNP markers. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (8): 1422-1437
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  • Ewen Crequer, Jeanne Ropars, Jean-Luc Jany, Thibault Caron, Monika Coton, Alodie Snirc, Jean-Philippe Vernadet, Antoine Branca, Tatiana Giraud, Emmanuel Coton. A new cheese population in and adaptation of the five populations to their ecological niche. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (8): 1438-1457
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  • Madilyn M Gamble, Ryan G Calsbeek. Sex-specific heritabilities for length at maturity among Pacific salmonids and their consequences for evolution in response to artificial selection. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (8): 1458-1471
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  • Erika King, Megan V McPhee, Scott C Vulstek, Curry J Cunningham, Joshua R Russell, David A Tallmon. Alternative life-history strategy contributions to effective population size in a naturally spawning salmon population. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (8): 1472-1482
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  • Laure Olazcuaga, Beatrice Lincke, Sarah DeLacey, Lily F Durkee, Brett A Melbourne, Ruth A Hufbauer. Population demographic history and evolutionary rescue: Influence of a bottleneck event. Evolutionary applications. 2023, 16 (8): 1483-1495
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