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  • Bing Han, Teru Kamogashira, Shu Kikuta, Tatsuya Yamasoba. Endoplasmic reticulum stress associated with lead (Pb)-induced olfactory epithelium toxicity in an olfactory dark basal cell line. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2162-2171
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  • Nils Hampel, Jacqueline Georgy, Mehrnaz Mehrabipour, Alexander Lang, Isabell Lehmkuhl, Jürgen Scheller, Mohammad R Ahmadian, Doreen M Floss, Roland P Piekorz. CoCl -triggered pseudohypoxic stress induces proteasomal degradation of SIRT4 via polyubiquitination of lysines K78 and K299. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2187-2199
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  • Fumitaka Kawakami, Motoki Imai, Yuki Isaka, Mark R Cookson, Hiroko Maruyama, Makoto Kubo, Matthew J Farrer, Makoto Kanzaki, Rei Kawashima, Tatsunori Maekawa, Shun Tamaki, Yoshifumi Kurosaki, Fumiaki Kojima, Kenichi Ohba, Takafumi Ichikawa. LRRK2 negatively regulates glucose tolerance via regulation of membrane translocation of GLUT4 in adipocytes. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2200-2214
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  • Juan Li, Shimin Guan, Baoguo Cai, Qianqian Li, Shaofeng Rong. Low molecular weight chitosan oligosaccharides form stable complexes with human lactoferrin. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2215-2223
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  • Gerrit Haeger, Johanna Probst, Karl-Erich Jaeger, Johannes Bongaerts, Petra Siegert. Novel aminoacylases from Streptomyces griseus DSM 40236 and their recombinant production in Streptomyces lividans. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2224-2238
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  • Yongyan Zhao, Yupeng Hao, Zeyu Dong, Wenchen Tang, Xueqiang Wang, Jun Li, Luyao Wang, Yan Hu, Lei Fang, Xueying Guan, Fenglin Gu, Ziji Liu, Zhiyuan Zhang. Identification and expression analysis of LEA gene family members in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2246-2262
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  • Yael E Díaz-López, Gloria Erandi Pérez-Figueroa, Vicenta Cázares-Domínguez, María E Frigolet, Ruth Gutiérrez-Aguilar. ETV5 regulates proliferation and cell cycle genes in the INS-1 (832/13) cell line independently of the concentration of secreted insulin. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2263-2272
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  • Xuan Kan, Ruidi Guan, Jianwei Hao, Chunyuan Zhao, Yanan Sun. Integrative analysis of immune-related signature profiles in eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2273-2289
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  • Deepyaman Das, Anis Ahmad Chaudhary, Mohamed A M Ali, Abdullah S Alawam, Hironmoy Sarkar, Soumita Podder. Insights into the identification and evolutionary conservation of key genes in the transcriptional circuits of meiosis initiation and commitment in budding yeast. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2290-2305
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  • Tonia Dargham, Ivy Mallick, Laurent Kremer, Pierre Santucci, Stéphane Canaan. Intrabacterial lipid inclusion-associated proteins: a core machinery conserved from saprophyte Actinobacteria to the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2306-2323
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  • Giulia Lunghi, Erika Di Biase, Emma Veronica Carsana, Alexandre Henriques, Noelle Callizot, Laura Mauri, Maria Grazia Ciampa, Luigi Mari, Nicoletta Loberto, Massimo Aureli, Sandro Sonnino, Michael Spedding, Elena Chiricozzi, Maria Fazzari. GM1 ganglioside exerts protective effects against glutamate-excitotoxicity via its oligosaccharide in wild-type and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor neurons. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2324-2341
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  • Susheel Nidhi Chaurasia, Vipin Singh, Mohammad Ekhlak, Manoj Kumar Dash, Namrata Joshi, Debabrata Dash. Ayurvedic preparations of Raudra Rasa inhibit agonist-mediated platelet activation and restrict thrombogenicity without affecting cell viability. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2342-2355
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  • Kata Nóra Enyedi, Gábor Enyedi, Eszter Lajkó. Three-dimensional, PEG-based hydrogels induce spheroid formation and enhance viability of A2058 melanoma cells. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2356-2366
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  • Miriam Meloni, Ilenia Sana, Maria Elena Mantione, Michela Riba, Marta Muzio. Toll-like receptor 9 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell lines. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2367-2374
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  • Junbing Chen, Lin Li, Longtao Huangfu, Hong Du, Xin Ji, Xiaofang Xing, Jiafu Ji. Death receptor 5 promotes tumor progression in gastric cancer. FEBS open bio. 2023, 13 (12): 2375-2388
    Cited : 1
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