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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Community Development Journal
  • Annemijn E C Sondaal, Kirti M Tumbahangphe, Rishi Neupane, Dharma S Manandhar, Anthony Costello, Joanna Morrison. Sustainability of community-based women's groups: reflections from a participatory intervention for newborn and maternal health in Nepal. Community development journal. 2019, 54 (4): 731-749
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  • Somen Saha. 'More health for the money': an analytical framework for access to health care through microfinance and savings groups. Community development journal. 2014, 49 (4): 618-630
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  • Joanna Morrison, Rita Thapa, Aman Sen, Rishi Neupane, Jo Borghi, Kirti Man Tumbahangphe, David Osrin, Dharma Manandhar, Anthony Costello. Utilization and management of maternal and child health funds in rural Nepal. Community development journal. 2010, 45 (1): 75-89
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