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  • Srikanth Gadicherla, Prem Sasikumar, Satpal Singh Gill, Manish Bhagania, Abhay Taranath Kamath, Kalyana Chakravarthy Pentapati. Mandibular Fractures and Associated Factors at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Archives of trauma research. 2016, 5 (4): e30574
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  • Chi Nok Cheung, Tun Hing Lui. Proximal Fifth Metatarsal Fractures: Anatomy, Classification, Treatment and Complications. Archives of trauma research. 2016, 5 (4): e33298
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  • Martin L Tonglet. Early Prediction of Ongoing Hemorrhage in Severe Trauma: Presentation of the Existing Scoring Systems. Archives of trauma research. 2016, 5 (4): e33377
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  • Annelieke Mk Harmsen, Udo Jl Reijnders, Georgios F Giannakopoulos. Death as a Consequence of a Hip Fracture After a Fall; to Be Further Investigated? Archives of trauma research. 2016, 5 (4): e33705
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  • Mahmood Saffari, Farzaneh Firoozeh, Mohammad Pourbabaee, Mohammad Zibaei. Evaluation of Metallo-β-Lactamase-Production and Carriage of Genes in Isolated from Burn Wound Infections in Isfahan. Archives of trauma research. 2016, 5 (4): e34343
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  • Ulrich Wiebking, Emmanouil Liodakis, Mohamed Kenawey, Christian Krettek. Limb Lengthening Using the PRECICE Nail System: Complications and Results. Archives of trauma research. 2016, 5 (4): e36273
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  • Rebecca Stier, Dietmar Otte, Christian Müller, Maximilian Petri, Ralph Gaulke, Christian Krettek, Stephan Brand. Effectiveness of Bicycle Safety Helmets in Preventing Facial Injuries in Road Accidents. Archives of trauma research. 2016, 5 (3): e30011
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  • Eric M Padegimas, William J Warrender, Christopher M Jones, Asif M Ilyas. Metacarpal Neck Fractures: A Review of Surgical Indications and Techniques. Archives of trauma research. 2016, 5 (3): e32933
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