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Nursing and Midwifery Studies

Published By Kashan University of Medical Sciences

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Nursing and Midwifery Studies
  • Shervin Assari. Association between General Sense of Mastery and Income in White- and African-American Adults. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2019, 8 (3): 162-167
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  • Mojtaba Kianmehr, Ashraf Saber, Jalil Moshari, Reza Ahmadi, Mahdi Basiri-Moghadam. The Effect of G-ORS Along With Rice Soup in the Treatment of Acute Diarrhea in Children: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e25852
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  • Faezeh Jahanpour, Parviz Azodi, Farzan Azodi, Ali Akbar Khansir. Barriers to Practical Learning in the Field: A Qualitative Study of Iranian Nursing Students' Experiences. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e26920
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  • Nasrin Baghdari, Elahe Sadeghi Sahebzad, Masoomeh Kheirkhah, Elham Azmoude. The Effects of Pregnancy-Adaptation Training on Maternal-Fetal Attachment and Adaptation in Pregnant Women With a History of Baby Loss. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e28949
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  • Zahra Moudi, Mahmoud Tavousi. Evaluation of Mackey Childbirth Satisfaction Rating Scale in Iran: What Are the Psychometric Properties? Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e29952
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  • Mohammad Reza Sheikhi, Masoud Fallahi-Khoshnab, Farahnaz Mohammadi, Fatemeh Oskouie. Skills Required for Nursing Career Advancement: A Qualitative Study. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e30777
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  • Zahra Aliakbarzadeh-Arani. Self-Concept in Mothers of Educable Mentally Retarded Children. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e31919
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  • Mohammad Farajzadeh, Meimanat Hosseini, Jamileh Mohtashami, Samira Chaibakhsh, Mansoureh Zagheri Tafreshi, Reza Ghanei Gheshlagh. The Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Depression in Older Adults. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e32585
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  • Farzaneh Maghaminejad, Mohsen Adib-Hajbaghery. The Quality of Pre-hospital Circulatory Management in Patients With Multiple Trauma Referred to the Trauma Center of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan, Iran, in the First Six Months of 2013. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e32708
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  • Mostafa Rad, Amir Mirhaghi, Nematullah Shomoossi. Loving and Humane Care: A Missing Link in Nursing. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e34297
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  • Golnar Ghane, Mansoureh Ashghali Farahani, Naima Seyedfatemi, Hamid Haghani. Effectiveness of Problem-Focused Coping Strategies on the Burden on Caregivers of Hemodialysis Patients. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (2): e35594
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  • Taghi Azadarmaki, Aziz Kassani, Rostam Menati, Jafar Hassanzadeh, Walieh Menati. Psychometric Properties of a Screening Instrument for Domestic Violence in a Sample of Iranian Women. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (1): e27763
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  • Zahra Ghazavi, Simin Feshangchi, Mousa Alavi, Mahrokh Keshvari. Effect of a Family-Oriented Communication Skills Training Program on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Older Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (1): e28550
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  • Alireza Didarloo, Mohammad Alizadeh. Health-Related Quality of Life and its Determinants Among Women With Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (1): e28937
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  • Zohre Ghamari Zare, Mohsen Adib-Hajbaghery. Performance of Clinical Nurse Educators in Teaching Pharmacology and Medication Management: Nursing Students' Perceptions. Nursing and midwifery studies. 2016, 5 (1): e29913
    Cited : 0
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