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BJPsych International

Published By Cambridge University Press

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN BJPsych International
  • . Pandora's Box. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 102-104
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  • David Skuse. A world of traditional healing in the Global South. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 77-78
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  • Gin S Malhi. Professor David Skuse: a gentleman and a scholar. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 78-79
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  • Mohammed Mohammed, Ibrahim Makki, Suhaila Ghuloum. Psychiatry in Qatar. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 79-81
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  • Hamed Al-Sinawi, Hassan Mirza. Psychiatry in the sultanate of Oman. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 81-84
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  • Demoubly Kokota, Robert C Stewart, Chiwoza Bandawe, Genesis Chorwe-Sungani, Olive Liwimbi, Charles Masulani Mwale, Kazione Kulisewa, Michael Udedi, Saulos Gondwe, Anthony Sefasi, Richard Banda, Thandiwe Mkandawire, Stephen M Lawrie. Pathways to care for psychosis in Malawi. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 84-89
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  • Lydia Matoke. Traditional healing in Kisii County, Kenya: a personal narrative. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 89-91
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  • Meetali Devgun, Caitlin Kittridge, Shekhar Seshadri, Jacqueline Rodgers, Aditya Narain Sharma. North East England South Asia Mental health Alliance (NEESAMA): an exemplar of global north and global south collaboration to improve research, training and service delivery in mental healthcare. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 92-95
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  • Solveig Klæbo Reitan, Lars Lien. Mental health services in Norway, 2023. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 95-99
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  • Sebastian Rosenberg, Luis Salvador Carulla, Alan Rosen. Mental health reform in Australia - unfinished business. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (4): 99-101
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  • David Skuse. The benefits of digitisation of psychiatric care facilities. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (3): 53
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  • Mohsin Hassan Alvi, Tehmina Ashraf, Tayyeba Kiran, Nasir Iqbal, Anil Gumber, Anita Patel, Nusrat Husain. Economic burden of mental illness in Pakistan: an estimation for the year 2020 from existing evidence. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (3): 54-56
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  • Mehr Muhammad Adeel Riaz, Bismah Nayyer, Arush Lal, Faisal A Nawaz, Ahsan Zil-E-Ali. Climate change and mental health: a call to action to include mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS) in the Pakistan flood crisis. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (3): 56-58
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  • Mark Mohan Kaggwa, Jeremy Devine, Sheila Harms. The opioid crisis fuelled by health systems: how will future physicians fare? BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (3): 58-60
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  • Ahmad M Almai, Jay A Salpekar. Healthcare utilisation in the United Arab Emirates for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and comorbidities. BJPsych international. 2023, 20 (3): 61-63
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