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IEEE Access

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  • John Ferré, Ariel Rokem, Elizabeth A Buffalo, J Nathan Kutz, Adrienne Fairhall. Non-Stationary Dynamic Mode Decomposition. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2023, 11: 117159-117176
    Cited : 2
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  • Feng Yang, Ghada Zamzmi, Sandeep Angara, Sivaramakrishnan Rajaraman, André Aquilina, Zhiyun Xue, Stefan Jaeger, Emmanouil Papagiannakis, Sameer K Antani. Assessing Inter-Annotator Agreement for Medical Image Segmentation. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2023, 11: 21300-21312
    Cited : 16
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  • Anton Kovalyov, Kashyap Patel, Issa Panahi. DSENet: Directional Signal Extraction Network for Hearing Improvement on Edge Devices. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2023, 11: 4350-4358
    Cited : 2
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  • Boyu Zhang, Aleksandar Vakanski, Min Xian. BI-RADS-NET-V2: A Composite Multi-Task Neural Network for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Breast Cancer in Ultrasound Images With Semantic and Quantitative Explanations. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2023, 11: 79480-79494
    Cited : 5
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  • Yongkang Liu, Mohamad Omar Al Kalaa. Testbed as a RegUlatory Science Tool (TRUST): A Testbed Design for Evaluating 5G-Enabled Medical Devices. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2023, 11: 81563-81576
    Cited : 3
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  • Vy C B Bui, Ziv Yaniv, Michael Harris, Feng Yang, Karthik Kantipudi, Darrell Hurt, Alex Rosenthal, Stefan Jaeger. Combining Radiological and Genomic TB Portals Data for Drug Resistance Analysis. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2023, 11: 84228-84240
    Cited : 1
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  • Jiahao Lin, Q I Miao, Chuthaporn Surawech, Steven S Raman, Kai Zhao, Holden H Wu, Kyunghyun Sung. High-Resolution 3D MRI With Deep Generative Networks via Novel Slice-Profile Transformation Super-Resolution. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2023, 11: 95022-95036
    Cited : 2
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  • Sandun Jayarathna, Hem Moktan, Sang Hyun Cho. Use of the Fully Spectroscopic Pixelated Cadmium Telluride Detector for Benchtop X-Ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2022, 10: 105074-105083
    Cited : 3
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  • Lucas D Lo Vercio, Rebecca M Green, Samuel Robertson, Sienna Guo, Andreas Dauter, Marta Marchini, Marta Vidal-GARCíA, Xiang Zhao, Anandita Mahika, Ralph S Marcucio, Benedikt HALLGRíMSSON, Nils D Forkert. Segmentation of Tissues and Proliferating Cells in Light-Sheet Microscopy Images of Mouse Embryos Using Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2022, 10: 105084-105100
    Cited : 1
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  • Jakob G Wolynski, Milan M Ilić, Branislav M Notaroš, Kevin M Labus, Christian M Puttlitz, Kirk C McGilvray. Vivaldi Antennas for Contactless Sensing of Implant Deflections and Stiffness for Orthopaedic Applications. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2022, 10: 1151-1161
    Cited : 4
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  • Arindam Biswas, Ashwin B Parthasarathy. Lossless Compressed Sensing of Photon Counts for Fast Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2022, 10: 129754-129762
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  • Susanna Mosleh, Jason B Coder, Christopher G Scully, Keith Forsyth, Mohamad Omar Al Kalaa. Monitoring Respiratory Motion With Wi-Fi CSI: Characterizing Performance and the BreatheSmart Algorithm. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2022, 10: 131932-131951
    Cited : 12
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  • Gengsheng L Zeng. Photon Starvation Artifact Reduction by Shift-Variant Processing. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2022, 10: 13633-13649
    Cited : 5
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  • Satish Chandra, Mahendra Kumar Gourisaria, Harshvardhan Gm, Debanjan Konar, Xin Gao, Tianyang Wang, Min Xu. Prolificacy Assessment of Spermatozoan via State-of-the-Art Deep Learning Frameworks. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2022, 10: 13715-13727
    Cited : 17
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  • Aviral Chharia, Rahul Upadhyay, Vinay Kumar, Chao Cheng, Jing Zhang, Tianyang Wang, Min Xu. Deep-Precognitive Diagnosis: Preventing Future Pandemics by Novel Disease Detection With Biologically-Inspired Conv-Fuzzy Network. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions. 2022, 10: 23167-23185
    Cited : 8
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