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  • npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease: 2020, vol: 6, issue:
  • 1)- Andrea Di Francesco, Youngshim Choi, Michel Bernier, Yingchun Zhang, Alberto Diaz-Ruiz, Miguel A Aon, Krystle Kalafut, Margaux R Ehrlich, Kelsey Murt, Ahmed Ali, Kevin J Pearson, Sophie Levan, Joshua D Preston, Alejandro Martin-Montalvo, Jennifer L Martindale, Kotb Abdelmohsen, Cole R Michel, Diana M Willmes, Christine Henke, Placido Navas, Jose Manuel Villalba, David Siegel, Myriam Gorospe, Kristofer Fritz, Shyam Biswal, David Ross, Rafael de Cabo. NQO1 protects obese mice through improvements in glucose and lipid metabolism. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6 (1): 13
    Cited : 23
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  • 2)- Tetsuya Oishi, Daisuke Matsumaru, Nao Ota, Hiroshi Kitamura, Tianxiang Zhang, Yohei Honkura, Yukio Katori, Hozumi Motohashi. Activation of the NRF2 pathway in Keap1-knockdown mice attenuates progression of age-related hearing loss. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6 (1): 14
    Cited : 23
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  • 3)- Mustafa N Okur, Beatrice Mao, Risako Kimura, Scott Haraczy, Tracy Fitzgerald, Kamren Edwards-Hollingsworth, Jane Tian, Wasif Osmani, Deborah L Croteau, Matthew W Kelley, Vilhelm A Bohr. Short-term NAD supplementation prevents hearing loss in mouse models of Cockayne syndrome. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 1
    Cited : 40
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  • 4)- Joshua Goldberg, Antonio Currais, Gamze Ates, Ling Huang, Maxim Shokhirev, Pamela Maher, David Schubert. Targeting of intracellular Ca stores as a therapeutic strategy against age-related neurotoxicities. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 10
    Cited : 21
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  • 5)- Weng Kung Peng, Lan Chen, Bernhard O Boehm, Jongyoon Han, Tze Ping Loh. Molecular phenotyping of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus with point-of-care NMR system. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 11
    Cited : 20
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  • 6)- Ashok Mandala, Austin Armstrong, Becky Girresch, Jiyao Zhu, Aruna Chilakala, Sanmathi Chavalmane, Kapil Chaudhary, Pratim Biswas, Judith Ogilvie, Jaya P Gnana-Prakasam. Fenofibrate prevents iron induced activation of canonical Wnt/β-catenin and oxidative stress signaling in the retina. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 12
    Cited : 17
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  • 7)- Fran M Pool, Christina Kiel, Luis Serrano, Philip J Luthert. Repository of proposed pathways and protein-protein interaction networks in age-related macular degeneration. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 2
    Cited : 23
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  • 8)- Carmen Martin-Ruiz, Jedrzej Hoffmann, Evgeniya Shmeleva, Thomas von Zglinicki, Gavin Richardson, Lilia Draganova, Rachael Redgrave, Joanna Collerton, Helen Arthur, Bernard Keavney, Ioakim Spyridopoulos. CMV-independent increase in CD27-CD28+ CD8+ EMRA T cells is inversely related to mortality in octogenarians. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 3
    Cited : 27
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  • 9)- Regina Weinmüllner, Barbara Zbiral, Adnan Becirovic, Elena Maria Stelzer, Fabian Nagelreiter, Markus Schosserer, Ingo Lämmermann, Lisa Liendl, Magdalena Lang, Lucia Terlecki-Zaniewicz, Orestis Andriotis, Michael Mildner, Bahar Golabi, Petra Waidhofer-Söllner, Karl Schedle, Gerhard Emsenhuber, Philipp J Thurner, Erwin Tschachler, Florian Gruber, Johannes Grillari. Organotypic human skin culture models constructed with senescent fibroblasts show hallmarks of skin aging. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 4
    Cited : 49
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  • 10)- Alexander Frenzel, Hans Binder, Nadja Walter, Kerstin Wirkner, Markus Loeffler, Henry Loeffler-Wirth. The aging human body shape. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 5
    Cited : 20
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  • 11)- Li Theng Ng, Li Fang Ng, Richard Ming Yi Tang, Diogo Barardo, Barry Halliwell, Philip Keith Moore, Jan Gruber. Lifespan and healthspan benefits of exogenous HS in are independent from effects downstream of mutation. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 6
    Cited : 27
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  • 12)- Erik L Hodges, Jessica P Marshall, Nicole M Ashpole. Age-dependent hormesis-like effects of the synthetic cannabinoid CP55940 in C57BL/6 mice. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 7
    Cited : 9
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  • 13)- Michel Bernier, Dylan Harney, Yen Chin Koay, Antonio Diaz, Abhishek Singh, Devin Wahl, Tamara Pulpitel, Ahmed Ali, Vince Guiterrez, Sarah J Mitchell, Eun-Young Kim, John Mach, Nathan L Price, Miguel A Aon, David G LeCouteur, Victoria C Cogger, Carlos Fernandez-Hernando, John O'Sullivan, Mark Larance, Ana Maria Cuervo, Rafael de Cabo. Elucidating the mechanisms by which disulfiram protects against obesity and metabolic syndrome. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 8
    Cited : 14
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  • 14)- Zhonghe Ke, Denis Firsanov, Brianna Spencer, Andrei Seluanov, Vera Gorbunova. Short-term calorie restriction enhances DNA repair by non-homologous end joining in mice. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2020, 6: 9
    Cited : 17
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