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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease
  • Miguel A Aon, Sonia Cortassa, Magdalena Juhaszova, José A González-Reyes, Miguel Calvo-Rubio, José M Villalba, Andrew D Lachance, Bruce D Ziman, Sarah J Mitchell, Kelsey N Murt, Jessie E C Axsom, Irene Alfaras, Steven L Britton, Lauren G Koch, Rafael de Cabo, Edward G Lakatta, Steven J Sollott. Mitochondrial health is enhanced in rats with higher vs. lower intrinsic exercise capacity and extended lifespan. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 1
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  • Dorela D Shuboni-Mulligan, Demarrius L Young, Julianie De La Cruz Minyety, Elizabeth Vera, Jeeva Munasinghe, Andrew J Gall, Mark R Gilbert, Terri S Armstrong, DeeDee K Smart. Impact of age on the circadian visual system and the sleep-wake cycle in mus musculus. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 10
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  • Vijay R Varma, H Büşra Lüleci, Anup M Oommen, Sudhir Varma, Chad T Blackshear, Michael E Griswold, Yang An, Jackson A Roberts, Richard O'Brien, Olga Pletnikova, Juan C Troncoso, David A Bennett, Tunahan Çakır, Cristina Legido-Quigley, Madhav Thambisetty. Abnormal brain cholesterol homeostasis in Alzheimer's disease-a targeted metabolomic and transcriptomic study. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 11
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  • Tomomi Komura, Mikihiro Yamanaka, Kohji Nishimura, Keita Hara, Yoshikazu Nishikawa. Autofluorescence as a noninvasive biomarker of senescence and advanced glycation end products in Caenorhabditis elegans. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 12
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  • Miwa Nahata, Sachiko Mogami, Hitomi Sekine, Seiichi Iizuka, Naoto Okubo, Naoki Fujitsuka, Hiroshi Takeda. Bcl-2-dependent autophagy disruption during aging impairs amino acid utilization that is restored by hochuekkito. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 13
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  • J S Talboom, M D De Both, M A Naymik, A M Schmidt, C R Lewis, W M Jepsen, A K Håberg, T Rundek, B E Levin, S Hoscheidt, Y Bolla, R D Brinton, N J Schork, M Hay, C A Barnes, E Glisky, L Ryan, M J Huentelman. Two separate, large cohorts reveal potential modifiers of age-associated variation in visual reaction time performance. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 14
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  • Nicholas Holzscheck, Cassandra Falckenhayn, Jörn Söhle, Boris Kristof, Ralf Siegner, André Werner, Janka Schössow, Clemens Jürgens, Henry Völzke, Horst Wenck, Marc Winnefeld, Elke Grönniger, Lars Kaderali. Modeling transcriptomic age using knowledge-primed artificial neural networks. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 15
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  • Yankun Lyu, Vipin K Verma, Younjee Lee, Iosif Taleb, Rachit Badolia, Thirupura S Shankar, Christos P Kyriakopoulos, Craig H Selzman, William Caine, Rami Alharethi, Sutip Navankasattusas, Thomas Seidel, Stavros G Drakos, Frank B Sachse. Remodeling of t-system and proteins underlying excitation-contraction coupling in aging versus failing human heart. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 16
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  • Fatin N Zainul Abidin, Helena R R Wells, Andre Altmann, Sally J Dawson. Hearing difficulty is linked to Alzheimer's disease by common genetic vulnerability, not shared genetic architecture. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 17
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  • Mohammed R Shaker, Julio Aguado, Harman Kaur Chaggar, Ernst J Wolvetang. Klotho inhibits neuronal senescence in human brain organoids. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 18
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  • Nicholas Don-Doncow, Lotte Vanherle, Frank Matthes, Sine Kragh Petersen, Hana Matuskova, Sara Rattik, Anetta Härtlova, Anja Meissner. Simvastatin therapy attenuates memory deficits that associate with brain monocyte infiltration in chronic hypercholesterolemia. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 19
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  • Diego Marques-Coelho, Lukas da Cruz Carvalho Iohan, Ana Raquel Melo de Farias, Amandine Flaig, , Jean-Charles Lambert, Marcos Romualdo Costa. Differential transcript usage unravels gene expression alterations in Alzheimer's disease human brains. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 2
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  • Yachna Jain, Keerthivasan Raanin Chandradoss, Anjoom A V, Jui Bhattacharya, Mohan Lal, Meenakshi Bagadia, Harpreet Singh, Kuljeet Singh Sandhu. Convergent evolution of a genomic rearrangement may explain cancer resistance in hystrico- and sciuromorpha rodents. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 20
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  • Li-Chun Cho, Chih-Chieh Yu, Chih-Fei Kao. Social perception of young adults prolongs the lifespan of aged Drosophila. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 21
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  • Sophie Vanhunsel, Steven Bergmans, An Beckers, Isabelle Etienne, Jolien Van Houcke, Eve Seuntjens, Lut Arckens, Lies De Groef, Lieve Moons. The killifish visual system as an in vivo model to study brain aging and rejuvenation. NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease. 2021, 7 (1): 22
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