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Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

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  • Pengguang Zhang, Guoyuan Jiang, Chenghong Ma, Yubo Wang, Enfa Yan, Linjuan He, Jianxin Guo, Xin Zhang, Jingdong Yin. Dietary supplementation of laminarin improves the reproductive performance of sows and the growth of suckling piglets. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 114
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  • Gregory A Johnson, Robert C Burghardt, Fuller W Bazer, Heewon Seo, Joe W Cain. Integrins and their potential roles in mammalian pregnancy. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 115
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  • Lei Xie, Jiangtao Qin, Lin Rao, Dengshuai Cui, Xi Tang, Liqing Chen, Shijun Xiao, Zhiyan Zhang, Lusheng Huang. Genetic dissection and genomic prediction for pork cuts and carcass morphology traits in pig. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 116
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  • Hao Zhang, Xia Zha, Yi Zheng, Xiaoyun Liu, Mabrouk Elsabagh, Hongrong Wang, Honghua Jiang, Mengzhi Wang. Mechanisms underlying the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in the placental injury and fetal growth restriction in an ovine gestation model. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 117
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  • Chenbin Cui, Lindeng Li, Lin Wu, Xinru Wang, Yao Zheng, Fangke Wang, Hongkui Wei, Jian Peng. Paneth cells in farm animals: current status and future direction. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 118
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  • Melissa A Stephen, Chris R Burke, Jennie E Pryce, Nicole M Steele, Peter R Amer, Susanne Meier, Claire V C Phyn, Dorian J Garrick. Comparison of methods for deriving phenotypes from incomplete observation data with an application to age at puberty in dairy cattle. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 119
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  • Clarisse Uwineza, Mohammadali Bouzarjomehr, Milad Parchami, Taner Sar, Mohammad J Taherzadeh, Amir Mahboubi. Evaluation of in vitro digestibility of Aspergillus oryzae fungal biomass grown on organic residue derived-VFAs as a promising ruminant feed supplement. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 120
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  • Lianhua Zhang, Junwei Ge, Fei Gao, Min Yang, Hui Li, Fei Xia, Hongtong Bai, Xiangshu Piao, Zhiying Sun, Lei Shi. Rosemary extract improves egg quality by altering gut barrier function, intestinal microbiota and oviductal gene expressions in late-phase laying hens. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 121
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  • Dirkjan Schokker, Soumya K Kar, Els Willems, Alex Bossers, Ruud A Dekker, Alfons J M Jansman. Dietary supplementation of zinc oxide modulates intestinal functionality during the post-weaning period in clinically healthy piglets. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 122
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  • Weiqing Ma, Yang Fu, Shanshan Zhu, Daiyang Xia, Shuangshuang Zhai, Deqin Xiao, Yongwen Zhu, Michel Dione, Lukuyu Ben, Lin Yang, Wence Wang. Ochratoxin A induces abnormal tryptophan metabolism in the intestine and liver to activate AMPK signaling pathway. Journal of animal science and biotechnology. 2023, 14 (1): 125
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