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International Journal of Chronic Diseases

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  • International Journal of Chronic Diseases: 2020, vol: 2020, issue:
  • 1)- Bernie Carter, Alison Rouncefield-Swales, Lucy Bray, Lucy Blake, Stephen Allen, Chris Probert, Kay Crook, Pamela Qualter. "I Don't Like to Make a Big Thing out of It": A Qualitative Interview-Based Study Exploring Factors Affecting Whether Young People Tell or Do Not Tell Their Friends about Their IBD. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 1059025
    Cited : 13
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  • 2)- Nurul Akidah Lukman, Annette Leibing, Lisa Merry. Self-Care Experiences of Adults with Chronic Disease in Indonesia: An Integrative Review. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 1379547
    Cited : 11
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  • 3)- Endrias Markos Woldesemayat. Chronic Diseases Multimorbidity among Adult People Living with HIV at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 2190395
    Cited : 5
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  • 4)- Biruk Legese, Molla Abebe, Alebachew Fasil. Association of ABO and Rh Blood Group Phenotypes with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Felege Hiwot Comprehensive Referral Hospital Bahir Dar, Northwest Ethiopia. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 2535843
    Cited : 8
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  • 5)- Tadele Girum, Dereje Mesfin, Jemal Bedewi, Misgun Shewangizaw. The Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases in Ethiopia, 2000-2016: Analysis of Evidence from Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 and Global Health Estimates 2016. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 3679528
    Cited : 29
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  • 6)- V T S Kaluarachchi, D U S Bulugahapitiya, M H Arambewela, M D Jayasooriya, C H De Silva, P H Premanayaka, A Dayananda. Assessment of Prevalence, Associations ,Knowledge, and Practices about Diabetic Foot Disease in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 4504627
    Cited : 2
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  • 7)- Carlos M Galmarini. Lessons from Hippocrates: Time to Change the Cancer Paradigm. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 4715426
    Cited : 3
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  • 8)- Hasan Ahmad Hasan Albitar, Narjust Duma, Konstantinos Leventakos, Alice Gallo De Moraes. Pulmonary Complications Secondary to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 4928648
    Cited : 0
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  • 9)- Mojtaba Senmar, Elham Hasannia, Atiyeh Moeinoddin, Shaghayegh Lotfi, Faezeh Hamedi, Mahnaz Habibi, Sajad Noorian, Hossein Rafiei. Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness and Its Relationship with Spiritual Wellbeing in Iranian Cancer Patients. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 5742569
    Cited : 3
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  • 10)- Gabriel S Pena, Hector G Paez, Trevor K Johnson, Jessica L Halle, Joseph P Carzoli, Nishant P Visavadiya, Michael C Zourdos, Michael A Whitehurst, Andy V Khamoui. Hippocampal Growth Factor and Myokine Cathepsin B Expression following Aerobic and Resistance Training in 3xTg-AD Mice. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 5919501
    Cited : 10
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  • 11)- Vadim V Genkel, Igor I Shaposhnik. Conceptualization of Heterogeneity of Chronic Diseases and Atherosclerosis as a Pathway to Precision Medicine: Endophenotype, Endotype, and Residual Cardiovascular Risk. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 5950813
    Cited : 7
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  • 12)- Kennedy Dodam Konlan, Charles Junior Afam-Adjei, Christian Afam-Adjei, Jennifer Oware, Theresa Akua Appiah, Kennedy Diema Konlan, Jeremiah Bella-Fiamawle. Practice and Sociodemographic Factors Influencing Self-Monitoring of Blood Pressure in Ghanaians with Hypertension. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 6016581
    Cited : 7
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  • 13)- Arsene T Signing, Wiliane J T Marbou, Veronique P Beng, Victor Kuete. Haematological Features and Urologic Pathologies of Diabetic Subjects at Bafoussam Regional Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 6161785
    Cited : 0
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  • 14)- Alison Rouncefield-Swales, Bernie Carter, Lucy Bray, Lucy Blake, Stephen Allen, Chris Probert, Kay Crook, Pamela Qualter. Sustaining, Forming, and Letting Go of Friendships for Young People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): A Qualitative Interview-Based Study. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 7254972
    Cited : 2
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  • 15)- Donny Ard, Naa-Solo Tettey, Shinga Feresu. The Influence of Family History of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Positive Health Behavior Changes among African Americans. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 8016542
    Cited : 7
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  • 16)- Belachew Kebede, Gistane Ayele, Desta Haftu, Gebrekiros Gebremichael. The Prevalence and Associated Factors of Hypertension among Adults in Southern Ethiopia. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 8020129
    Cited : 9
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  • 17)- Rasheed Ofosu-Poku, Michael Owusu-Ansah, John Antwi. Referral of Patients with Nonmalignant Chronic Diseases to Specialist Palliative Care: A Study in a Teaching Hospital in Ghana. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 8432956
    Cited : 6
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  • 18)- Esileman Abdela Muche, Mohammed Biset Ayalew, Ousman Abubeker Abdela. Assessment of Quality of Life of Epileptic Patients in Ethiopia. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 8714768
    Cited : 10
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  • 19)- George Owusu, David D Obiri, George K Ainooson, Newman Osafo, Aaron O Antwi, Babatunde M Duduyemi, Charles Ansah. Acetic Acid-Induced Ulcerative Colitis in Sprague Dawley Rats Is Suppressed by Hydroethanolic Extract of Leaves through Reduced Serum Levels of TNF- and IL-6. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 8785497
    Cited : 36
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  • 20)- Richard S Henry, Paul B Perrin, Ashlee Sawyer, Mickeal Pugh. Health Conditions, Access to Care, Mental Health, and Wellness Behaviors in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Adults. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 9094047
    Cited : 3
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