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International Journal of Chronic Diseases

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  • Mohammed Assen Seid, Husien Nurahmed Toleha, Faisel Dula Sema. Medication Nonadherence and Associated Factors among Heart Failure Patients at University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. International journal of chronic diseases. 2023, 2023: 1824987
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  • Fabrice Fabien Dongho Dongmo, William Djeukeu Asongni, Aymar Rodrigue Fogang Mba, Rebecca Madeleine Ebelle Etame, Diana Ngo Hagbe, Guileine Linda Dongho Zongning, Suzie Vanissa Nkepndep Touohou, Marie Modestine Kana Sop, Rosalie Annie Ngono Ngane, Inocent Gouado. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices regarding Obesity among Population of Urban (Douala) and Rural (Manjo) Areas in Cameroon. International journal of chronic diseases. 2023, 2023: 5616856
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  • Abdul Mushib Ibrahim, Stephen Lawrence. Improving Diabetes Care: A Fijian Diabetes Service Improvement Study. International journal of chronic diseases. 2022, 2022: 9486679
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  • Belayneh Molla, Haimanot Abebe Geletie, Girma Alem, Tenaw Gualu, Bitew Tefera Zewudie, Shegaw Tesfa, Tadesse Tsehay, Baye Tsegaye Amlak. Adherence to Self-Care Recommendations and Associated Factors among Adult Heart Failure Patients in West Gojjam Zone Public Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia. International journal of chronic diseases. 2022, 2022: 9673653
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  • Mistire Teshome Guta, Tiwabwork Tekalign, Nefsu Awoke, Robera Olana Fite, Getahun Dendir, Tsegaye Lolaso Lenjebo. Global Burden of Anxiety and Depression among Cystic Fibrosis Patient: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International journal of chronic diseases. 2021, 2021: 6708865
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  • X Vandemergel. Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) in the Field of Diabetology. International journal of chronic diseases. 2021, 2021: 8857016
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  • Li Zheng, Feng Deng, Honglin Wang, Biao Yang, Meng Qu, Peirong Yang. Prevalence and Influencing Factors of Overweight and Obesity among Adult Residents of Western China: A Cross-Sectional Study. International journal of chronic diseases. 2021, 2021: 9919443
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  • Bernie Carter, Alison Rouncefield-Swales, Lucy Bray, Lucy Blake, Stephen Allen, Chris Probert, Kay Crook, Pamela Qualter. "I Don't Like to Make a Big Thing out of It": A Qualitative Interview-Based Study Exploring Factors Affecting Whether Young People Tell or Do Not Tell Their Friends about Their IBD. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 1059025
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  • Nurul Akidah Lukman, Annette Leibing, Lisa Merry. Self-Care Experiences of Adults with Chronic Disease in Indonesia: An Integrative Review. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 1379547
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  • Endrias Markos Woldesemayat. Chronic Diseases Multimorbidity among Adult People Living with HIV at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 2190395
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  • Biruk Legese, Molla Abebe, Alebachew Fasil. Association of ABO and Rh Blood Group Phenotypes with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Felege Hiwot Comprehensive Referral Hospital Bahir Dar, Northwest Ethiopia. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 2535843
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  • Tadele Girum, Dereje Mesfin, Jemal Bedewi, Misgun Shewangizaw. The Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases in Ethiopia, 2000-2016: Analysis of Evidence from Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 and Global Health Estimates 2016. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 3679528
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  • V T S Kaluarachchi, D U S Bulugahapitiya, M H Arambewela, M D Jayasooriya, C H De Silva, P H Premanayaka, A Dayananda. Assessment of Prevalence, Associations ,Knowledge, and Practices about Diabetic Foot Disease in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 4504627
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  • Carlos M Galmarini. Lessons from Hippocrates: Time to Change the Cancer Paradigm. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 4715426
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  • Hasan Ahmad Hasan Albitar, Narjust Duma, Konstantinos Leventakos, Alice Gallo De Moraes. Pulmonary Complications Secondary to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. International journal of chronic diseases. 2020, 2020: 4928648
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