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  • . Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS) National Meeting 2023. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 9): 22
    Cited : 1
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  • Lilian Grigorian-Shamagian, Antonio Coca, Joao Morais, Pablo Perez-Martinez, . The use of the CNIC-Polypill in real-life clinical practice: opportunities and challenges in patients at very high risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease - expert panel meeting report. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 8): 20
    Cited : 3
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  • Helena Ballester Bon, Symen A Brouwers, Jenna Mote, Sofia de Almeida, Laurie Markle, Silvia Sommariva, Natalie Fol. Measuring behavioral and social drivers of COVID-19 vaccination in health workers in Eastern and Southern Africa. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 14
    Cited : 2
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  • Rubina Qasim, Waqas Ahmed Farooqui, Atiya Rahman, Rukhsana Haroon, Madiha Saleem, Muhammad Rafique, Fiza Noor, Afifa Ghani, Muhammad Yaqoob, Uday Narayan Yadav, Mohammad T Yousafzai. Community centred co-design methodology for designing and implementing socio-behavioural interventions to counter COVID-19 related misinformation among marginalized population living in the squatter settlements of Karachi, Pakistan: a methodology paper. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 15
    Cited : 2
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  • Raisa Behal, Kenneth Davis, Jeffrey Doering. A novel adaptation of spatial interpolation methods to map health attitudes related to COVID-19. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 17
    Cited : 0
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  • Talya Underwood, Kathryn L Hopkins, Theresa Sommers, Cassidy Howell, Nicholas Boehman, Meredith Dockery, Ève Dubé, Baldeep K Dhaliwal, Abdul M Kazi, Rupali Limaye, Rubina Qasim, Holly Seale, Freddy Eric Kitutu, Robert Kanwagi, Stacey Knobler. Shaping global vaccine acceptance with localized knowledge: a report from the inaugural VARN2022 conference. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 26
    Cited : 2
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  • Fauzia Aman Malik, Nazia Ahsan, Rawshan Jabeen, Osama Afzal, Alysha Siddiqi, Ayub Khan, Kathryn L Hopkins, Abdul Momin Kazi. Pandemic disruptions in vaccine uptake in a low-income setting: a qualitative inquiry. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 31
    Cited : 0
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  • Baldeep K Dhaliwal, Rajeev Seth, Betty Thankachen, Yawar Qaiyum, Svea Closser, Tyler Best, Anita Shet. Leading from the frontlines: community-oriented approaches for strengthening vaccine delivery and acceptance. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 5
    Cited : 6
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  • Chijioke Chikere Kaduru, Geraldine Chinonso Mbagwu, Dumale Koko Aadum, Ganiyat Eshikhena, Godwin Anusa Idim, Uche Francis Ibe, Timiebiere Sabenus, Fofah Gawain Jenson, Edmund Egbe, Neni Aworabhi-Oki, Happiness Masa, Martins Bekesu, Abisoye Sunday Oyeyemi. Using community theater to improve demand for vaccination services in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 6
    Cited : 1
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  • Silvia Sommariva, Helena Ballester Bon, Sofia De Almeida, Jenna Mote, Sijmen Brouwers, Massimiliano Sani, Natalie Fol. Integrated analysis of online signals and insight generation about digital conversations on COVID-19 vaccines in Eastern and Southern Africa: a longitudinal analysis of social listening data. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 7
    Cited : 1
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  • Philip Wollburg, Yannick Markhof, Shelton Kanyanda, Alberto Zezza. The evolution of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from panel survey data. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 8
    Cited : 4
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  • Neil Alperstein, Paola Pascual-Ferrá, Rohini Ganjoo, Ananya Bhaktaram, Julia Burleson, Daniel J Barnett, Amelia M Jamison, Eleanor Kluegel, Satyanarayan Mohanty, Peter Z Orton, Manoj Parida, Sidharth Rath, Rajiv Rimal. Social network analysis of COVID-19 vaccine YouTube videos in Odisha, India: mapping the channel network and analyzing comment sentiment. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 7): 9
    Cited : 1
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  • Manon Pigeolet, Selam Degu, Isabella Faria, Matthew T Hey, Tayana Jean-Pierre, Don E Lucerno-Prisno, Ali Jafarian, Natalia Kanem, John G Meara, Lia Tadesse Gebremedhin, Cherian Varghese, Tarsicio Uribe-Leitz, Kee B Park. Universal health coverage: a commitment to essential surgical, obstetric, and anesthesia care, World Health Summit 2021 (PD 20). BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 6): 4
    Cited : 1
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  • Rennie X Qin, Sangchul Yoon, Zachary G Fowler, Anusha Jayaram, Makela Stankey, Lubna Samad, Kiki Maoate, Kee B Park. Financing surgical, obstetric, anaesthesia, and trauma care in the Asia-Pacific region: proceedings. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 5): 10
    Cited : 1
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  • Rennie X Qin, Makela Stankey, Anusha Jayaram, Zachary G Fowler, Sangchul Yoon, David Watters, Adrian W Gelb, Kee B Park. Strategic partnerships to improve surgical care in the Asia-Pacific region: proceedings. BMC proceedings. 2023, 17 (Suppl 5): 11
    Cited : 0
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