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  • Mingyan Li, Rui Zhu, Gen Li, Shengtong Yin, Lingxi Zeng, Zelin Bai, Jingbo Chen, Bin Jiang, Lihong Li, Yu Wu. Correction: Point-of-care testing for cerebral edema types based on symmetric cancellation near-field coupling phase shift and support vector machine. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 100
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  • Peng Zhou, Guangpu Wang, Shuo Wang, Huanming Li, Chong Liu, Jinglai Sun, Hui Yu. A framework of myocardial bridge detection with x-ray angiography sequence. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 101
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  • Yuhong Chen, Kun Zhang, Cong Zhou, J Geoffrey Chase, Zhenjie Hu. Automated evaluation of typical patient-ventilator asynchronies based on lung hysteretic responses. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 102
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  • Liu Xiong, Chunxia Chen, Yongping Lin, Wei Mao, Zhiyu Song. A computer-aided determining method for the myometrial infiltration depth of early endometrial cancer on MRI images. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 103
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  • Peiru Liu, Ying Sun, Xinzhuo Zhao, Ying Yan. Deep learning algorithm performance in contouring head and neck organs at risk: a systematic review and single-arm meta-analysis. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 104
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  • Guojing Wang, Yibing Chen, Hongyun Liu, Xiaohua Yu, Yi Han, Weidong Wang, Hongyan Kang. Differences in intestinal motility during different sleep stages based on long-term bowel sounds. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 105
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  • Liping Wang, Mingtao Ye, Yanjie Lu, Qicang Qiu, Zhongfeng Niu, Hengfeng Shi, Jian Wang. A combined encoder-transformer-decoder network for volumetric segmentation of adrenal tumors. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 106
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  • Shenghang Wang, Yuetong Liu, Chenge Lou, Chao Cai, Weihao Ren, Junyu Liu, Ming Gong, Peng Shang, Hao Zhang. Moderate static magnetic field promotes fracture healing and regulates iron metabolism in mice. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 107
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  • Dongli Li, Andre Hallack, Sophie Gwilym, Dongcheng Li, Michele T Hu, James Cantley. Investigating gait-responsive somatosensory cueing from a wearable device to improve walking in Parkinson's disease. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 108
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  • Changwon Yoon, Yongho Jeon, Hosik Choi, Soon-Sun Kwon, Jeongyoun Ahn. Interpretable classification for multivariate gait analysis of cerebral palsy. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 109
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  • Hanna Jönsson, Håkan Ahlström, Joel Kullberg. Spatial mapping of tumor heterogeneity in whole-body PET-CT: a feasibility study. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 110
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  • Liang Dong, Wei Lu, Xuzhou Lu, Xiaochang Leng, Jianping Xiang, Changling Li. Comparison of deep learning-based image segmentation methods for intravascular ultrasound on retrospective and large image cohort study. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 111
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  • Haitao Sun, Chunling Zhang, Aimei Ouyang, Zhengjun Dai, Peiji Song, Jian Yao. Multi-classification model incorporating radiomics and clinic-radiological features for predicting invasiveness and differentiation of pulmonary adenocarcinoma nodules. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 112
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  • Can Özcan, Özgür Kocatürk, Civan Işlak, Cengizhan Öztürk. Integrated particle image velocimetry and fluid-structure interaction analysis for patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysm studies. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 113
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  • Masoud Maghami, Shahab Aldin Sattari, Marziyeh Tahmasbi, Pegah Panahi, Javad Mozafari, Kiarash Shirbandi. Diagnostic test accuracy of machine learning algorithms for the detection intracranial hemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis study. Biomedical engineering online. 2023, 22 (1): 114
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