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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Sports Medicine International Open
  • Caitlin M Rugg, Jordan H Ginder, Ananyaa Bharadwaj, Rock Vomer, Gregory A Dale, Jennifer Ketterly, Hap Zarzour, Annunziato Amendola, Brian C Lau. Perioperative Management in the Collegiate Athlete: An Integrated Approach. Sports medicine international open. 2023, 7 (1): E1-E8
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  • Joshua A J Keogh, Matthew C Ruder, Zaryan Masood, Dylan Kobsar. The Ecological Validity of Countermovement Jump to On-Court Asymmetry in Basketball. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (2): E53-E59
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  • Constantin Mayer, Alina Rühlemann, Andre Busch, Marcus Jäger. Measures of Knee Capability in Handball Players Differ by Age: A Cross Sectional Study. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (2): E60-E68
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  • Cordula Leonie Merle, Jan C Wuestenfeld, Fabian Fenkse, Bernd Wolfarth, Rainer Haak, Gerhard Schmalz, Dirk Ziebolz. The Significance of Oral Inflammation in Elite Sports: A Narrative Review. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (2): E69-E79
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  • Eduardo Baptista, Rhai André Arriel, Ana Luiza de Castro Carvalho, Matheus M C Bispo, Alex Batista Rodrigues, Hiago Souza, Gustavo R Mota, Moacir Marocolo. Influence of Wearing Blue Lenses on Melatonin Production and Performance in Volleyball Players. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (1): E1-E8
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  • Friedemann Schneider, Armin Runer, Francesco Burkert, Jesse Seilern Und Aspang, Simon Reider, Holm Schneider, Elena Pocecco. Digital Workout Versus Team Training: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Athletes. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (1): E18-E24
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  • Hiroaki Inoue, Yuji Arai, Shuji Nakagawa, Yuta Fujii, Kenta Kaihara, Kenji Takahashi. Analysis of Hemodynamic Changes After Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (1): E25-E31
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  • Simon Schedler, Stella Marie Graf, Thomas Muehlbauer. Effects of Different Balance Training Volumes on Children's Dynamic Balance. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (1): E32-E38
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  • Kasper Bygum Krarup, Jesper Mosgaard Rantanen, Morten Mørk, Inge Søkilde Pedersen, Jeppe Hagstrup Christensen, Søren Risom Kristensen, Aase Handberg, Henrik Bygum Krarup. The Physiological and Cardiologic Effects of Long Video Gaming Sessions in Adult Males. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (1): E39-E46
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  • Eric Winters, Steven Doty, Melanie Lott, James Baker. Neuromechanical Integration of Pelvic-Thoracic Rotation among Youth Baseball Throwers. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (1): E47-E52
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  • Tilman Engel, Anne Schraplau, Monique Wochatz, Stephan Kopinski, Dominik Sonnenburg, Anne Schomoeller, Lucie Risch, Hannes Kaplick, Frank Mayer. Feasability of An Eccentric Isokinetic Protocol to Induce Trunk Muscle Damage: A Pilot Study. Sports medicine international open. 2022, 6 (1): E9-E17
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  • Masaki Nishida, Kei Yamamoto, Yusuke Murata, Atsushi Ichinose, Kohei Shioda. Exploring the Effect of Long Naps on Handball Performance and Heart Rate Variability. Sports medicine international open. 2021, 5 (3): E73-E80
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  • Analina Emmanouil, Elissavet Rousanoglou, Anastasia Georgaki, Konstantinos D Boudolos. When Musical Accompaniment Allows the Preferred Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Movement. Sports medicine international open. 2021, 5 (3): E81-E90
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  • Jumpei Osakabe, Masanobu Kajiki, Kiho Kondo, Takaaki Matsumoto, Yoshihisa Umemura. Effects of Half-Time Cooling Using a Fan with Skin Wetting on Thermal Response During Intermittent Cycling Exercise in the Heat. Sports medicine international open. 2021, 5 (3): E91-E98
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  • Julian Bauer, Gerrit Schwiertz, Thomas Muehlbauer. Diverging Playing Positions do not Lead to Differences in YBT-UQ Performance in Youth Handball Players. Sports medicine international open. 2021, 5 (3): E99-E103
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