LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia
J V de Lima. [Clinical aspects of subnormal vision. Definition, clinical concept and visual correction].Revista brasileira de oftalmologia. 1971, 30 (2): 125-36
A M Dantas, R Curi, T Lustosa, B A Neto, J C Saddy. [South American blastomycosis: report of a case with ocular lesion].Revista brasileira de oftalmologia. 1971, 30 (2): 181-3
E S Tavares. [Curiosities in ophthalmological illustrations. Illustrator ophthalmologists (Antonio Scarpa and George J. Beer)].Revista brasileira de oftalmologia. 1971, 30 (2): 201-3
M Brik. [Repeated visuscopy. Description of a new visuscopy target and chart for recording repeated observations].Revista brasileira de oftalmologia. 1971, 30 (1): 33-43