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Published By MDPI AG

SUBJECTS : Food Science

  • Mingyue Chen, Qingmei Pan, Binbin Wu, Hongxun Wang, Yang Yi, Wei Xu, Danjun Guo. Effect of Fenugreek ( L.) Seed Extracts on the Structure of Myofibrillar Protein Oxidation in Duck Meat. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 0
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  • Maria Balcerek, Katarzyna Pielech-Przybylska, Urszula Dziekońska-Kubczak, Anita Bartosik. Effect of Apple Cultivar and Selected Technological Treatments on the Quality of Apple Distillate. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 0
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  • Ancuța Cristina Raclariu-Manolică, Carmen Socaciu. In Search of Authenticity Biomarkers in Food Supplements Containing Sea Buckthorn: A Metabolomics Approach. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 0
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  • Bifen Zhu, Yu Zhong, Danfeng Wang, Yun Deng. Active and Intelligent Biodegradable Packaging Based on Anthocyanins for Preserving and Monitoring Protein-Rich Foods. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 2
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  • Xiaojun Lin, Xuanyi Zhang, Bin Du, Baojun Xu. Morphological, Structural, Thermal, Pasting, and Digestive Properties of Starches Isolated from Different Varieties of Rice: A Systematic Comparative Study. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 4
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  • Shivani Mittal, Md Hafizur Rahman Bhuiyan, Michael O Ngadi. Challenges and Prospects of Plant-Protein-Based 3D Printing. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 8
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  • Kristian Key Milan Thamsborg, Birgitte Winther Lund, Derek Victor Byrne, Jørgen Johannes Leisner, Niki Alexi. Cadaverine as a Potential Spoilage Indicator in Skin-Packed Beef and Modified-Atmosphere-Packed Beef. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 1
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  • Daying Wu, Haoan Zhao, Lei Guo, Xiukun Liu, Yan Liang, Qian Liu, Wei Cao, Xueyan Chen, Xin Gao. Fu Brick Tea as a Staple Food Supplement Attenuates High Fat Diet Induced Obesity in Mice. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 3
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  • Simona Kunová, Isabella Taglieri, Peter Haščík, Anis Ben Hsouna, Wissem Mnif, Francesca Venturi, Chiara Sanmartin, Natália Čmiková, Maciej Ireneusz Kluz, Miroslava Kačániová. Dried Herbs as an Easy-to-Use and Cost-Effective Alternative to Essential Oils to Extend the Shelf Life of Sheep Lump Cheese. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 3
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  • Hongchun Cui, Yuxiao Mao, Yun Zhao, Haitao Huang, Junfeng Yin, Jizhong Yu, Jianyong Zhang. Comparative Metabolomics Study of Four Kinds of Xihu Longjing Tea Based on Machine Fixing and Manual Fixing Methods. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 0
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  • Federico Sizzano, Marie Blackford, Hélène Berthoud, Laurent Amiet, Sébastien Bailly, Frédéric Vuichard, Christine Monnard, Stefan Bieri, Jean-Laurent Spring, Yannick Barth, Corentin Descombes, François Lefort, Marilyn Cléroux, Scott Simonin, Charles Chappuis, Gilles Bourdin, Benoît Bach. Bioprospecting of a Indigenous Strain for Chasselas Winemaking in 2022 Vintage. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 1
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  • Mariam Muradova, Alena Proskura, Francis Canon, Irina Aleksandrova, Mathieu Schwartz, Jean-Marie Heydel, Denis Baranenko, Liudmila Nadtochii, Fabrice Neiers. Unlocking Flavor Potential Using Microbial β-Glucosidases in Food Processing. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 3
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  • Raquel Rodríguez-Fernández, Ángela Fernández-Gómez, Juan C Mejuto, Gonzalo Astray. Modelling Polyphenol Extraction through Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction by Machine Learning in Leaves. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 0
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  • Grishma S Prabhukhot, Charles D Eggleton, Jitendra Patel. Multispecies Bacterial Biofilms and Their Evaluation Using Bioreactors. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 0
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  • Joanna Markowska, Agnieszka Tyfa, Anna Drabent, Artur Stępniak. The Physicochemical Properties and Melting Behavior of Ice Cream Fortified with Multimineral Preparation from Red Algae. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 2023, 12 (24):
    Cited : 1
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