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Journal of Ultrasonography

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Journal of Ultrasonography
  • Mihra S Taljanovic. Update on current concepts and advances in musculoskeletal ultrasound: Honoring my Teacher Dr. Ronald Adler. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e170-e171
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  • Ronald Steven Adler. Musculoskeletal ultrasound: a technical and historical perspective. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e172-e187
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  • Amit Kumar Sahu, Erin Kathleen Moran, Girish Gandikota. Role of ultrasound and MRI in the evaluation of postoperative rotator cuff. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e188-e201
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  • Nicholson Chadwick, Jennifer S Weaver, Christopher Shultz, Yoav Morag, Arjun Patel, Mihra S Taljanovic. High-resolution ultrasound and MRI in the evaluation of pectoralis major injuries. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e202-e213
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  • Beatrice Knisely, Shelley S Noland, David M Melville. Ultrasound versus MRI in the evaluation of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e214-e222
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  • Linda Probyn, Dyan Flores, Emma Rowbotham, Mark Cresswell, Angela Atinga. High-resolution ultrasound in the evaluation of the adult hip. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e223-e238
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  • Siddharth Pandya, David M Melville. Evaluation of the knee joint with ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e239-e250
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  • Monique Reijnierse, James F Griffith. High-resolution ultrasound and MRI in the evaluation of the forefoot and midfoot. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e251-e271
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  • Jennifer S Weaver, Imran Omar, Katherine Epstein, Alana Brown, Nicholson Chadwick, Mihra S Taljanovic. High-resolution ultrasound in the evaluation of musculoskeletal infections. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e272-e284
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  • Amit Kumar Sahu, Shweta Kataria, Girish Gandikota. Added value of high-resolution ultrasound and MRI in the evaluation of rheumatologic diseases. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e285-e298
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  • James Francis Griffith. Practical approach to ultrasound of soft tissue tumors and the added value of MRI: how I do it. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e299-e312
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  • Ali Serhal, Steven Kyungho Lee, Julia Michalek, Muhamad Serhal, Imran Muhammad Omar. Role of high-resolution ultrasound and magnetic resonance neurography in the evaluation of peripheral nerves in the upper extremity. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e313-e327
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  • Steven Kyungho Lee, Ali Mostafa Serhal, Muhamad Serhal, Julia Michalek, Imran Muhammad Omar. The role of high-resolution ultrasound and MRI in the evaluation of peripheral nerves in the lower extremity. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e328-e346
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  • William R Walter, Christopher J Burke, Ronald S Adler. Tips and tricks in ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal interventional procedures. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e347-e357
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  • Laurens Koonen, Martin van Amerongen, Katrijn Smulders, Stephanie Mangesius, Gabriella Cerna, Andrea Klauser, Erich Mur, Marina Obradov. Added value of ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle tenotomy over hydrodissection and physiotherapy in chronic lateral elbow tendinopathy: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of ultrasonography. 2023, 23 (95): e358-e364
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