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  • Eugen Gheorghiu. A renewed challenge to electrical bioimpedance: rapid assessment of pathogenic bacteria. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2023, 14 (1): 1-2
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  • Vladimir Savostyanov, Alexander Kobelev, Anton Govorin. A fresh look at sports PSM-systems. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2023, 14 (1): 13-18
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  • Kiagus Aufa Ibrahim, Marlin Ramadhan Baidillah, Ridwan Wicaksono, Masahiro Takei. Skin layer classification by feedforward neural network in bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2023, 14 (1): 19-31
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  • Grant M Tinsley, Madelin R Siedler, Christian Rodriguez, Patrick S Harty, Matthew T Stratton, Sarah J White, Dale S Keith, Jacob J Green, Jake R Boykin, Abegale D Williams, Brielle DeHaven, Alexandra Brojanac, Ethan Tinoco. Evaluation of novel beverage formulations for hydration enhancement in humans. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2023, 14 (1): 3-12
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  • Grant M Tinsley, Matthew T Stratton, Patrick S Harty, Abegale D Williams, Sarah J White, Christian Rodriguez, Jacob R Dellinger, Baylor A Johnson, Robert W Smith, Eric T Trexler. Influence of Acute Water Ingestion and Prolonged Standing on Raw Bioimpedance and Subsequent Body Fluid and Composition Estimates. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2022, 13 (1): 10-20
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  • Mahjabin Mobarak, Muhammad Abdul Kadir, K Siddique-E Rabbani. Probing Deep Lung Regions using a New 6-electrode Tetrapolar Impedance Method. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2022, 13 (1): 116-124
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  • Y Zaikou, C Gansauge, D Echtermeyer, U Pliquett. Algorithms for Reconstruction of Impedance Spectra from Non-uniformly Sampled Step Responses. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2022, 13 (1): 143-149
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  • Åsmund Aukrust, Leah Marie Foseid, Kristiane Holm. Development of a Small Footprint Device for Measuring Electrodermal Activity in the Palm of the Hand. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2022, 13 (1): 150-155
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  • Jalal M Salih, Dindar S Bari, Haval Y Yacoob Aldosky. Monitoring the Skin Biophysical Parameters Among Coronavirus Patients for Three Days in a Row: a Preliminary Study. Journal of electrical bioimpedance. 2022, 13 (1): 21-24
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