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European Radiology Experimental

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  • Johannes Hammel, Lorenz Birnbacher, Graeme Campbell, Philippe Coulon, Lev Ushakov, Franz Pfeiffer, Marcus R Makowski, Jan Kirschke, Daniela Pfeiffer. Comparison of volumetric and areal bone mineral density in CT and scout scans using spectral detector technology. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 37
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  • Brandon J Ausk, Adam N Tucker, Philippe Huber, Reza Firoozabadi, Jeffrey M Gross, Ted S Gross, Steven D Bain. A microCT-based platform to quantify drug targeting. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 38
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  • Jérôme Schmid, Lazhari Assassi, Christophe Chênes. A novel image augmentation based on statistical shape and intensity models: application to the segmentation of hip bones from CT images. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 39
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  • Domenico Albano, Carmelo Messina, Salvatore Gitto, Vito Chianca, Luca Maria Sconfienza. Bone biopsies guided by augmented reality: a pilot study. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 40
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  • Lucia Manganaro, Silvia Capuani, Marco Gennarini, Valentina Miceli, Roberta Ninkova, Ilaria Balba, Nicola Galea, Angelica Cupertino, Alessandra Maiuro, Giada Ercolani, Carlo Catalano. Fetal MRI: what's new? A short review. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 41
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  • Corby Fink, Julia J Gevaert, John W Barrett, Jimmy D Dikeakos, Paula J Foster, Gregory A Dekaban. In vivo tracking of adenoviral-transduced iron oxide-labeled bone marrow-derived dendritic cells using magnetic particle imaging. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 42
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  • Maximilian Kotlyarov, Jürgen Mews, Sevtap Tugce Ulas, Katharina Ziegeler, Bernd Hamm, Torsten Diekhoff. Influence of contrast medium on tophus detection using dual-energy CT: phantom study and clinical illustration. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 43
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  • Pieter T Boonen, Nico Buls, Jef Vandemeulebroucke, Gert Van Gompel, Frans Van Den Bergh, Tim Leiner, Dimitri Aerden, Johan de Mey. Combined evaluation of blood flow and tissue perfusion in diabetic feet by intra-arterial dynamic 4DCT imaging. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 44
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  • Miriam Rinneburger, Heike Carolus, Andra-Iza Iuga, Mathilda Weisthoff, Simon Lennartz, Nils Große Hokamp, Liliana Caldeira, Rahil Shahzad, David Maintz, Fabian Christopher Laqua, Bettina Baeßler, Tobias Klinder, Thorsten Persigehl. Automated localization and segmentation of cervical lymph nodes on contrast-enhanced CT using a 3D foveal fully convolutional neural network. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 45
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  • Petter Midthun, Eva Kirkhus, Bjørn Helge Østerås, Per Reidar Høiness, Andrew England, Safora Johansen. Metal artifact reduction on musculoskeletal CT: a phantom and clinical study. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 46
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  • Jacopo Antonino Vitale, Stefano Borghi, Tito Bassani, Carmelo Messina, Luca Maria Sconfienza, Fabio Galbusera. Effect of a mattress on lumbar spine alignment in supine position in healthy subjects: an MRI study. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 47
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  • Laura Jacqueline Jensen, Damon Kim, Thomas Elgeti, Ingo Günter Steffen, Lars-Arne Schaafs, Bernd Hamm, Sebastian Niko Nagel. The role of parametric feature maps to correct different volume of interest sizes: an in vivo liver MRI study. European radiology experimental. 2023, 7 (1): 48
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