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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes
  • Maria Samuelsson, Anne Wennick, Mariette Bengtsson, Marie-Louise Lydrup, Jenny Jakobsson. Translation, cultural adaptation, and psychometric testing of the Supportive care needs survey for partners and caregivers for Swedish family members of persons diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 100
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  • Sandra Weidlich, Jens Pfeiffer, Christiane Kugler. Self-management of patients with tracheostomy in the home setting: a scoping review. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 101
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  • Zorana Zupan. Cognitive performance outcomes: considerations for drug development. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 102
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  • Stine Primdahl Rasmussen, Liv Marit Valen Schougaard, Niels Henrik Hjøllund, David Høyrup Christiansen. Patient-reported outcome measures as determinants for the utilization of health care among outpatients with epilepsy: a prognostic cohort study. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 103
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  • Helena Bradley, Claire Trennery, Amy M Jones, Aoife Lydon, Frances White, Rebecca Williams-Hall, Rob Arbuckle, Erin Tomaszewski, Vivian H Shih, John Haughney, Amanda Eisen, Tonya Winders, Stephen Joel Coons, Sonya Eremenco, . Assessing asthma symptoms in children: qualitative research supporting the development of the Pediatric Asthma Diary-Child (PAD-C) and Pediatric Asthma Diary-Observer (PAD-O). Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 104
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  • Valerie Williams, Carla Romano, Marci Clark, Dane Korver, Nikki Williams, Diana Goss, Christel Naujoks, Jessica Marvel. Psychometric evaluation of an electronic Asthma Symptom Diary for young children. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 105
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  • Lisa Lützow, Isabelle Teckenburg, Veronika Koch, Franz Marxreiter, Jelena Jukic, Sabine Stallforth, Martin Regensburger, Jürgen Winkler, Jochen Klucken, Heiko Gaßner. The effects of an individualized smartphone-based exercise program on self-defined motor tasks in Parkinson's disease: a long-term feasibility study. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 106
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  • Devashish Tiwari, Keshrie Naidoo, Emily Z Eddy, Naseem Chatiwala, Maninderjit Kaur. Development and validation of the activities and participation children and adolescents -neck (APCAN) measure. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 107
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  • Annemay M H Stoker, Angélique Gruters, Mirjam C M van der Ende-van Loon, Debby Postulart, Wladyslawa Czuber-Dochan, Lennard P L Gilissen. Translation, validation and psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Fatigue (IBD-F) self-assessment scale. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 108
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  • Stefan Tino Kulnik, Johanna Gutenberg, Kathrin Mühlhauser, Tari Topolski, Rik Crutzen. Translation to German and linguistic validation of the Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA) questionnaire. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 109
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  • Robin M Pokrzywinski, Bridgett Goodwin, Evan S Dellon, Ellyn Kodroff, Anne Brooks, Adam Bailey, James Williams, Nirav K Desai. Qualitative assessment of the suitability of the Dysphagia Symptom Questionnaire to monitor dysphagia in children aged 7-10 years with eosinophilic esophagitis. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 110
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  • Mikaela Vallmark, Anna Lena Brorsson, Carina Sparud-Lundin, Ewa-Lena Bratt, Philip Moons, Markus Saarijärvi, Mariela Acuña Mora. Development and psychometric evaluation of TEXP-Q: a questionnaire measuring transition and transfer experiences in emerging adults with type 1 diabetes. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 111
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  • David A Andrae, Rachael F Grace, Adrian Jewett, Brandon Foster, Robert J Klaassen, Sam Salek, Junlong Li, Feng Tai, Audra N Boscoe, Erin Zagadailov. Psychometric validation of the Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Diary and Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Impact Assessment in adults in the phase 3 ACTIVATE trial. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 112
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  • Susan K Parsons, Angie Mae Rodday, Qinglin Pei, Frank G Keller, Yue Wu, Tara O Henderson, David Cella, Kara M Kelly, Sharon M Castellino. Performance of the FACT-GOG-Ntx to assess chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in pediatric high risk Hodgkin lymphoma: report from the Children's Oncology Group AHOD 1331 study. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 113
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  • Kyle A Kemp, Paul Fairie, Brian Steele, Maria J Santana. Variation in parental experiences with their child's hospitalization over the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of patient-reported outcomes. 2023, 7 (1): 114
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