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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Ancient Science of Life
  • Sujith Subash Eranezhath. Call for Perseverance and Resources: The Vital Teeth of Key to Success in Ayurveda Research. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 173-174
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  • Nikodimos Eshetu Dabe, Adane Teshome Kefale. Antidiabetic Effects of Artemisia Species: A Systematic Review. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 175-181
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  • Dev Nath Singh Gautam. A Metallurgical Study of . Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 182-186
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  • Tdcp Gunasekara, Ndm Radhika, K K Ragunathan, Dpp Gunathilaka, M M Weerasekera, Hgsp Hewageegana, L A D M Arawwawala, Ssn Fernando. Determination of Antimicrobial Potential of Five Herbs used in Ayurveda Practices against and Methicillin Resistant . Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 187-190
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  • Chibueze Peter Ihekwereme, Frances Kaosiso Okoye, Sandra Chinenye Agu, Angus Nnamdi Oli. Traditional Consumption of the Fruit Pulp of in Pregnancy may be Serving as an Intermittent Preventive Therapy against Malaria Infection. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 191-195
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  • Maheshkumar Kuppusamy, K Dilara, P Ravishankar, A Julius. Effect of Practice on Pulmonary Function in Healthy Adolescents: A Randomized Control Study. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 196-199
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  • Suvarna P Ingale, Sanjay B Kasture. Protective Effect of Standardized Extract of Flower in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 200-206
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  • Sarada Ota, Arjun Singh, Narayana Srikanth, Bojja Sreedhar, Galib Ruknuddin, Kartar Singh Dhiman. Chemical Characterization of an Herbo-Mineral Formulation - : A Potential Tool for Quality Assurance. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 207-214
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  • Snigdha Sharma, Shailendra Handu, Ashok Kumar Dubey, Prashant Sharma, Pramod Mediratta, Qazi Mushtaq Ahmed. Anti-anxiety and Anti-depressant Like Effects of in Experimental Models of Anxiety and Depression. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 215-219
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  • Amol Sudhakar Kadu, Dhirajsingh Sumersingh Rajput, Sourabh G Deshmukh. Management of Recurrent Nasal Vestibular Furunculosis by and Palliative Treatment. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 220-224
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  • Vaishali Kuchewar. A Case Study on Successful Ayurvedic Management of a Rare Case of Reiter's Syndrome. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 225-228
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  • Rahul K Shingadiya, Rohit Sharma, Prashant Bedarkar, Pradeep Kumar Prajapati. Autoimmune Bullous Skin Disease Managed with Ayurvedic Treatment: A Case Report. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 229-233
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  • Rohit Sharma, Jayram Hazra, P K Prajapati. Knowledge and Awareness of Pharmacovigilance among Ayurveda Physicians in Himachal Pradesh. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (4): 234-235
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  • P Ram Manohar. Predatory Conferences in the Field of Ayurveda and Alternative Medicine: Need for Quality Checks. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (3): 115-116
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  • Sanjay U Nipanikar, Kamalakar V Gajare, Vidyadhar G Vaidya, Amol B Kamthe, Sachin A Upasani, Vidyadhar S Kumbhar. An Open Label, Randomized, Comparative, Parallel Group, Multicenter, Prospective, Interventional, Clinical Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of "AHPL/AYTOP/0113" in Comparison with "Framycetin Sulphate Cream" in Acute Wounds. Ancient science of life. 2017, 36 (3): 117-128
    Cited : 2
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