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SUBJECTS : Genetics | Genomic

  • Zhi-Cheng Zhang, Yi-Fu Liu, Ping Xi, Ye-Chen Nie, Ting Sun, Bin-Bin Gong. Upregulation of CENPM is associated with poor clinical outcome and suppression of immune profile in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 1
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  • Lu Cao, Lili Duan, Rui Zhang, Wanli Yang, Ning Yang, Wenzhe Huang, Xuemin Chen, Nan Wang, Liaoran Niu, Wei Zhou, Junfeng Chen, Yiding Li, Yujie Zhang, Jinqiang Liu, Daiming Fan, Hong Liu. Development and validation of an RBP gene signature for prognosis prediction in colorectal cancer based on WGCNA. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 10
    Cited : 3
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  • Ruisong Wang, Ziyi Qin, Long Huang, Huiling Luo, Han Peng, Xinyu Zhou, Zhixiang Zhao, Mingyao Liu, Pinhong Yang, Tieliu Shi. SMPD1 expression profile and mutation landscape help decipher genotype-phenotype association and precision diagnosis for acid sphingomyelinase deficiency. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 11
    Cited : 6
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  • Shubian Qiu, Lele Zou, Ruimin Qiu, Xin Wang. Circular RNA circHMCU promotes breast tumorigenesis through miR-4458/PGK1 regulatory cascade. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 12
    Cited : 2
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  • Xingyu Zheng, Lingli Chen, Wenlu Liu, Shuangshuang Zhao, Ye Yan, Jianzhen Zhao, Wenyan Tian, Yingmei Wang. CCNE1 is a predictive and immunotherapeutic indicator in various cancers including UCEC: a pan-cancer analysis. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 13
    Cited : 1
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  • Man Chen, Wei Cui, Xiaole Bai, Yating Fang, Hongbin Yao, Xingru Zhang, Fanzhang Lei, Bofeng Zhu. Comprehensive evaluations of individual discrimination, kinship analysis, genetic relationship exploration and biogeographic origin prediction in Chinese Dongxiang group by a 60-plex DIP panel. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 14
    Cited : 1
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  • Ling Xie, Juan Yan. γ-tocotrienol regulates gastric cancer by targeting notch signaling pathway. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 15
    Cited : 1
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  • T H Noel Ellis, Peter J van Dijk. Mendel's terminology and notation reveal his understanding of genetics. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 16
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  • Hao Zhu, Biao Xu, Cunshu Hu, Aimin Li, Qing Liao. Identification and validation of autophagy-related genes in Kawasaki disease. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 17
    Cited : 1
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  • Dongdong Zhang, Yixin Sun, Min Lei, Yue Wang, Chengfu Cai. Deciphering the potential ability of RG108 in cisplatin-induced HEI-OC1 ototoxicity: a research based on RNA-seq and molecular biology experiment. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 18
    Cited : 1
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  • Alan E Stark. Stable populations and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 19
    Cited : 4
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  • Yu Xiao, Yi Huang, Jianping Jiang, Yan Chen, Changyuan Wei. Identification of the prognostic value of Th1/Th2 ratio and a novel prognostic signature in basal-like breast cancer. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 2
    Cited : 3
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  • Martin Johnsson. Genomics in animal breeding from the perspectives of matrices and molecules. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 20
    Cited : 13
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  • Xiaocong Wu, Hui Chen, Chao You, Zongjun Peng. A potential immunotherapeutic and prognostic biomarker for multiple tumors including glioma: SHOX2. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 21
    Cited : 1
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  • Chenyu Wang, Zhaojing Lin, ZhuangZhuang Yuan, Tieyu Tang, Liangliang Fan, Yihui Liu, Xuan Wu. Whole-exome sequencing detected a novel AIFM1 variant in a Han-Chinese family with Cowchock syndrome. Hereditas. 2023, 160 (1): 22
    Cited : 0
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