Andras Karsai, Grace J Cassidy, Aradhya P Rajanala, Lixinhao Yang, Deniz Kerimoglu, James C Gumbart, Harold D Kim, Daniel I Goldman. Toward a 3D physical model of diffusive polymer chains.Frontiers in physics. 2023, 11:
Srestha Roy, Rahul Vaippully, Muruga Lokesh, Gokul Nalupurackal, Privita Edwina, Saumendra Bajpai, Basudev Roy. Comparison of translational and rotational modes towards passive rheology of the cytoplasm of MCF-7 cells using optical tweezers.Frontiers in physics. 2023, 10: 1099958
Janet Y Sheung, Jonathan Garamella, Stella K Kahl, Brian Y Lee, Ryan J McGorty, Rae M Robertson-Anderson. Motor-driven advection competes with crowding to drive spatiotemporally heterogeneous transport in cytoskeleton composites.Frontiers in physics. 2022, 10:
Teddy X Cai, Nathan H Williamson, Rea Ravin, Peter J Basser. Disentangling the effects of restriction and exchange with diffusion exchange spectroscopy.Frontiers in physics. 2022, 10:
Shannon N Tessier, Omar Haque, Casie A Pendexter, Stephanie E J Cronin, Ehab O A Hafiz, Lindong Weng, Heidi Yeh, James F Markmann, Michael J Taylor, Gregory M Fahy, Mehmet Toner, Korkut Uygun. The role of antifreeze glycoprotein (AFGP) and polyvinyl alcohol/polyglycerol (X/Z-1000) as ice modulators during partial freezing of rat livers.Frontiers in physics. 2022, 10:
Carlotta Trigila, Gerard Ariño-Estrada, Sun Il Kwon, Emilie Roncali. The Accuracy of Cerenkov Photons Simulation in Geant4/Gate Depends on the Parameterization of Primary Electron Propagation.Frontiers in physics. 2022, 10:
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Mustapha Bouhrara, Jana Hutter, Dan Benjamini. Editorial: Capturing Biological Complexity and Heterogeneity Using Multidimensional MRI.Frontiers in physics. 2022, 10:
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Jesus Sambrano, Felicia Rodriguez, John Martin, Jessica P Houston. Toward the Development of an On-Chip Acoustic Focusing Fluorescence Lifetime Flow Cytometer.Frontiers in physics. 2021, 9:
Joshua R Harper, Cristhian Zárate, Federico Krauch, Ivan Muhumuza, Jorge Molina, Johnes Obungoloch, Steven J Schiff. An Unmatched Radio Frequency Chain for Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging.Frontiers in physics. 2021, 9: