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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Diabetes Epidemiology and Management
  • Angelica Echiverri, Wendy W Harrison. Evaluation of retinal structure and function in prediabetes. Diabetes epidemiology and management. 2023, 12:
    Cited : 2
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  • Howard H Moffet, Elbert S Huang, Jennifer Y Liu, Melissa M Parker, Kasia J Lipska, Neda Laiteerapong, Richard W Grant, Alexandra K Lee, Andrew J Karter. Severe hypoglycemia and falls in older adults with diabetes: The Diabetes & Aging Study. Diabetes epidemiology and management. 2023, 12:
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  • Pandora L Wander, Elliott Lowy, Anna Korpak, Lauren A Beste, Steven E Kahn, Edward J Boyko. SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with higher odds of insulin treatment but not with hemoglobin A1c at 120 days in U.S. Veterans with new-onset diabetes. Diabetes epidemiology and management. 2023, 11: 100151
    Cited : 1
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  • Caitlyn Gordon, Barbara Kamel, Lauren McKeon, Danielle Brooks, Rifka Schulman-Rosenbaum. Dexamethasone use and insulin requirements in coronovirus-19 (COVID-19) infection stratified by Hemoglobin A1c. Diabetes epidemiology and management. 2023, 10: 100123
    Cited : 3
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  • Timothy L McMurry, Jennifer M Lobo, Hyojung Kang, Soyoun Kim, Rajesh Balkrishnan, Roger Anderson, Anthony McCall, Min-Woong Sohn. Annual wellness visits are associated with increased use of preventive services in patients with diabetes living in the Diabetes Belt. Diabetes epidemiology and management. 2022, 7:
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  • Bhavya Varma, Oluseye Ogunmoroti, Chiadi E Ndumele, Di Zhao, Moyses Szklo, Ty Sweeney, Matthew A Allison, Matthew J Budoff, Vinita Subramanya, Alain G Bertoni, Erin D Michos. Higher Leptin Levels Are Associated with Coronary Artery Calcium Progression: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Diabetes epidemiology and management. 2022, 6:
    Cited : 10
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  • Giuseppe De Luca, Matteo Nardin, Magdy Algowhary, Berat Uguz, Dinaldo C Oliveira, Vladimir Ganyukov, Zan Zimbakov, Miha Cercek, Lisette Okkels Jensen, Poay Huan Loh, Lucian Calmac, Gerard Roura Ferrer, Alexandre Quadros, Marek Milewski, Fortunato Scotto di Uccio, Clemens von Birgelen, Francesco Versaci, Jurrien Ten Berg, Gianni Casella, Aaron Wong Sung Lung, Petr Kala, José Luis Díez Gil, Xavier Carrillo, Maurits Dirksen, Victor M Becerra-Munoz, Michael Kang-Yin Lee, Dafsah Arifa Juzar, Rodrigo . Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and mortality among diabetic patients with STEMI undergoing mechanical reperfusion during the COVID-19 pandemic. Diabetes epidemiology and management. 2021, 4: 100022
    Cited : 1
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  • Aisling M Curtis, Andrew J Farmer, Nia W Roberts, Laura C Armitage. Performance of guidelines for the screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review of the guidelines and diagnostic studies evaluating the recommended testing strategies. Diabetes epidemiology and management. 2021, 3: 100023
    Cited : 4
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